Tag: GD ’42
GD’42 What Really Happened @ Luchessa Valley? 1400-into the night! p2/2

GD’42 What Really Happened @ Luchessa Valley? 1400-into the night! p1/2
The TCS firing conundrum, or how I stopped worrying and started liking single step losses.
GD’42 Campaign 2 of 3 0700 thru 1000 in 3 vids.
GD’42 Campaign 1 of 3 0700 thru 1000 in 3 vids.

GD’42 What Really Happened @ Luchessa Valley? 1000-1320

GD’42 What Really Happened @ Luchessa Valley? 0700- 29th Nov. (AAR narrative) [p1]

Luchessa Valley GD ’42