Turn 4 (7-8 September 1939)
Main events of Turn 4:
Area 1& Area 2: German Infantry divisions had being eliminated cut-off Polish units.
Area 3: Wermacht using mobile formations has cut-off evacuate way to Wilno.
Area 4: Warszawa has been recaptured! Polish flags over here again!
Area 5: German captured Lublin city.
Area 6: German forces arrived in this area from north to help own units. But Army “Krakow” had provided successful attacks and eliminated some German divisions.
Dead Pile of entire session.

Turn 5 (9-10 September)
Main events:
Area 1: German forces in Warszawa!
Area 2. Polish forces had decided to evacuate to Romania. Army “Krakow” eliminated all enemies on its way. Free road to Cercenati.
Dead Pile

Turn 6 (11-12 September)
Polish government had failed check on Surrender (rule 9.5). Poland is surrender!
This is time to count the Victory points.
GERMAN = 53 Points
POLAND = 34 Points
Result: DRAW!
The Blitzkrieg failed! But WWII is not ceased. Stalin has saw weakness of Germany and had began to prepare his invasion in Europe.
The end!