No cats, dogs or mice were harmed in the making of this video. This video furthermore is not CarlFungian in nature. It is the direct opposite and could quiet possible be of no apparent use to you what so ever. You may in fact find that this video is boring, makes no sense nor has any redeeming value what so ever.
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Shrink Rip…oh my. Armageddon Wars

Dear Readers and Followers. This is a warning.
This video contains the following:
Ums, several ahhs. There are no professional transitions, no professional cuts, no edits. This is a one take, one shot shrink rip of a game.
There may be no point. The Persona may linger on certain aspects of the components longer than acceptable. The content in this video is not meant to be used by anyone other than the Persona. Please do not place any reliance on components included, rules discussed, art appreciated or maps admired. Your mileage may vary. There is no intention implied or explicitly stated to provide any value at all, what so ever.