Turn 3
2:00 pm May 31, 1862
Confederate. Colson and Wilcox’s Brigades manage to advance farther along the Charles City Road and almost reach General Huger’s headquarters. General Johnston issues more orders. This time to General Longstreet at Hughes Tavern.
Longstreet’s orders are to attack the Union position at seven pines from the southern flank, approaching from the Charles Road at the junction with Portuguese Road. These orders will arrive at 3:30 pm. This is probably a mistake, as the flank is heavily wooded and allows for little maneuver and command control off the road. It might have been better to have Longstreet join Hill in the center.
Since D.H. Hill had such good luck with his artillery fire, he orders another round against Palmer’s Brigade on the Williamsburg Road. Palmer’s brigade fails it’s morale check again and routs, losing three to stragglers. The liberal use of artillery seems to be paying off for now. Confederate artillery ammo 43 points.
Union. General Kearney’s 3rd Division continues to advance to Seven Pines to assist the Union’s faltering situation. General Couch orders his artillery to return fire against the rebel artillery. This only causes a morale check, which the enemy artillery passes. General Casey races over to the routing units of Palmer’s brigade and helps them to recover.

Turn 4
2:30 pm May 31, 1862
Confederate. General Huger receives orders from Johnston’s headquarters. He reads over the orders, but they are delayed. (Needs a die roll of 1-2). Colson’s Brigade finally reaches General Huger’s position with the other two brigades following. There is no action down here though. General Smith decides to implement his orders to attack Fair Oaks with his Left Wing. These troops enter column and begin to march toward Fair Oaks Station.
Meanwhile, DH Hill brings his artillery to bear against Wessells’ Brigade in the redoubt. This time the artillery has no effect. The Confederate artillery supply drops to 42.
Union. The Federal artillery fires counter-battery at Hill’s artillery along the Williamsburg Road and gets a hit. The rebel artillery battery is reduced to a strength of 4 now. The Union Artillery supply drops to 53 Points.
The US 3rd Corps manages to deploy at Seven Pines and its artillery is unlimbered to the north of the location. Palmer’s brigade continues to recover morale.

Turn 5
3:00 pm May 31, 1862
Confederate. President Davis is breathing down General Johnston’s neck, expecting some action. General Huger delays no longer and makes his march to capture the Portuguese Road Junction. (This is a 1 VP location for the Confederates and 3 VP to the Union.) On the northern flank, General Smith’s Wing advances and captures Fair Oaks Station without a fight. General Chase Whiting’s Division is following along, taking the road through the woods north of the Richmond & York Railroad.
In the center, DH Hill orders Featherston’s Brigade forward. These troops advance in line formation into small arms range. Wessells’ Brigade exchanges fire with Featherston’s men. This has little effect. Wessells’ Brigade fails its morale check and becomes shaken retreating one hex. Note:Featherston’s brigade is actually led by G.B. Anderson during this battle, as Featherston was ill.
Union. The Union forces attempt to improve their position. Negley’s Brigade extends lines into the woods to the north. Wessells’ orders his men back into the redoubt. General Casey also gets Palmer’s Brigade moving forward again.
General Heintzelman and the 3rd Corps arrive from the eastern side of the Chickahominy, advancing along the Williamsburg Road. The 3rd Corps has orders to support the 4th Corps at Seven Pines and to counterattack if necessary. This formation moves to Seven Pines. Jameson’s Brigade enters along the railroad to the north of the Williamsburg Road, hoping to link up with the rest of the 3rd Corps.
Additionally, the 2nd Corps headquarters comes in from the northeast with orders to defend Fair Oaks, which has already been captured by the enemy. This will be a surprise to General Sumner. General Sedwick and Gorman’s Brigade also enter through the northeast, as the lead elements of 2nd Corps.
The Union and Confederate troops exchange more fire along the Williamsburg Road. Wessells’ Brigade takes a hit from rebel defensive fire. So does Palmer’s Brigade. Wessells and Palmer both return fire along with some of the 4th Corps artillery. Rhodes Brigade takes a hit.
Note: General Heintzelman is the Union “army” commander for this battle. General McClellan is on the other side of the Chickahominy during the action. A “replacement” leader is commanding the 3rd Corps.

One of the more exciting things in CWB is watching the battle develop. In the photo, you can see Gen. Smith’s Left Wing taking possession of Fair Oaks Station. From the northeast, General Sumner’s 2nd Corps is moving in to contest Fair Oaks Station and to protect the Union right flank.
Turn 6
3:30 pm May 31, 1862
Confederate. General Longstreet receives orders via an aide-de-camp. These are written orders telling him to advance to the south and cut across the Portuguese Road and strike the Union in the flank at Seven Pines. He wonders how this fits into the original plan? (Status Delay: Needs d6 roll of 1 to implement).
Huger’s Division continues to wander up to the Portuguese Road. Meanwhile, Prior, Wilcox and Colson sit tight on the Charles City Road. While the fighting continues in the center at Seven Pines, General Smith consolidates his forces at Fair Oaks. Since this is secure, he focuses on his next move which is to press on to Orchard Station. He can certainly hear the guns fire and artillery through the woods at Seven Pines, but he has his orders to follow.
General Johnston issues new orders for General Huger’s Division to attack into the Union southern flank at Seven Pines. These orders are written and aide delivered. They will not arrive until arrive at 5:30 pm due to the long distance that the courier must travel.
In the center, General Hill’s Division continues to attack the redoubts before Seven Pines. Rhodes and Palmer exchange fire. Both sides take losses but Palmer’s Brigade becomes wrecked. Also, Featherston’s Brigade exchanges fire with Wessells and takes a step loss.
Union. The Union commander attempts to salvage the situation. Palmer’s Brigade falls back out of small arms range as does Wessells’ Brigade. Couch’s 1st Division replaces these troops in the redoubts. General Kearney orders his division to advance in harmony with 3rd Corps orders to support the position at Seven Pines.
In the north, General Sedgwick marches toward the battle and passes the Meadow Road. His men are still in column. Burns’ Brigade enters the area next, from across Alexander’s Bridge. Fortunately this bridge is intact as the waters of the creek have risen from yesterday’s rains. General Richardson and Howard’s Brigade also arrive from the northeast.
There is more fire in the center along the Williamsburg Road. Devin’s Brigade becomes disorganized after receiving defensive fire from the rebels . It also has to fall back from the redoubt.

This photo shows Sumner’s formation arriving to strike Fair Oaks Station. General Sedgwick is on the point. The Confederates managed to capture the area due to a good delay reduction die roll.
Turn 7
4:00 pm May 31, 1862
Confederate It is getting late, and Smith’s Wing has easily captured Fair Oaks Station and is charged with the next phase of his orders, that is, to support DH Hill’s attack on Seven Pines. Since Smith can “hear” enemy troops marching in from Meadow Road to the north, he decides to set up a small contingency to protect the northern flank, still within his command radius.
Meanwhile General Longstreet sits in his room at Hughes Tavern, and finally decides that it is time to move out. (Rolled the necessary “1” for the delay reduction. So it looks like a nice evening for a ride. Kemper’s Brigade pulls out and heads down the Charles City Road passing by the woods on his left. The Right Wing artillery limbers and joins Kemper’s men on the road. Anderson orders his men into column and also marches along the Charles City Road. Longstreet and his aides all pack up and move with the supply wagon toward the Chickahominy.
As Rodes’ Brigade moves to attack the Union redoubt, Peck’s Brigade returns defensive fire. Although there are no loses, the Confederate troops panic and rout, losing several strength points to stragglers. Featherston’s Brigade is a little farther back and joins with Rains in ranged fire. Peck’s unit takes a loss and stragglers. Becoming disorganized, Peck orders his unit to retreat.
Just to the north of this fighting, General Whiting’s Division makes contact with Naglee’s Brigade. The Union troops are deployed in the woods south of Fair Oaks Station. Both Hood and Pettigrew lead the attack and Hood’s Brigade is weakened by defensive fire. Naglee’s unit also takes some losses.
Union. The Union formations continue to march onto the battlefield. Dana’s Brigade and the 2nd Corps supply enter from the road to the northeast, while Meagher’s Brigade and General Richardson enter from the road just to the south of Dana’s position. General Sedgwick moves forward with Gorman’s Brigade into small arms range of the rebels near Fair Oaks Station. Burns’ Brigade moves to the 2nd Corps HQ at Adams place and changes formation to line. Howard’s Brigade marches in column behind the 2nd Corps.
General Kearney maneuvers a bit south of the redoubts and attempts a counterattack with his division. Both Birney and Berry’s units get into range of Rains’ Brigade. Rains orders his brigade to issue defensive fire. Berry’s Brigade becomes shaken. The Union troops unleash a powerful volley against the rebels. Rains’ troops receive the brunt of it and loses some men to casualties. Further fire is exchanged between Abercrombie’s Brigade in the redoubt against Featherston’s men. The Confederates, shaken, decide to retreat.
Near Fair Oaks, Naglee’s Brigade is in trouble and receives defensive fire from Smith’s Left Wing. Both Naglee and Hood take heavy casualties, but the positions remain exactly the same with neither retreating. General Whiting survives the leader casualty check.
Federal Artillery from the 3rd Corps manages to knock out some of D.H. Hill’s gun points. Hill survives the leader casualty check. The rest of the Union artillery fire misses.

Turn 8 May 31, 1862 4:30 pm
Confederate. Although General Huger can hear the fighting to the north from Portuguese Road, he assumes that it is just artillery exchanges and he remains static. General Longstreet and his headquarters pass Dr. Hunter’s place and he takes the fork onto the Portuguese Road. Anderson’s Division is close behind along with the Right Wing artillery battery.
Another firefight opens up between D.H. Hill’s Division and the Union forces in the redoubt along the Williamsburg Road. General Couch is present with Abercrombie’s Brigade in the redoubt. Neither side gains much and their are hardly any casualties. On the other hand, Kearney’s Division fires defensive volleys against Rains’ Brigade and inflicts casualties and drives them back disorganized.
There is also fighting near Fair Oaks Station. Naglee’s Brigade suffers some losses against the Confederate forces under General Smith. Hood and Pettigrew’s Brigades inflict these losses and remain in a good position at Fair Oaks Station. Entering from the northeast is General Sedgwick with Gorman’s Brigade. These troops come under heavy fire from Law and Hatton’s Brigades. Both sides take some losses but Sedgwick is driven back into the woods and Gorman’s Brigade becomes disordered.
Union. General Sedgwick and Richardson see that Fair Oaks has been captured and of course are determined to counterattack in support of the Seven Pines position. General Kearney continues to counterattack on the southern side of the Williamsburg Road.
Fire exchanges resumes along the Williamsburg Road. Both sides take further losses. The Union loses some strength from Berry’s Brigade and Featherston is pushed back. Garland’s Brigade is also forced to fall back westward along the Williamsburg Road.
The battle at Fair Oaks rages on. After more casualties, Naglee’s Brigade is forced to give a little ground, but not much has changed here.

General Kearney’s 3rd Division has taken the Union’s left flank just south of the Williamsburg Road. Both Couch and Casey are holding the main position, but are receiving fire from Whiting’s Division in the woods near Fair Oaks. When US 2nd Corps gets fully deployed, the pressure from Whiting will likely subside.
Turn 9 May 31 5:00 pm
Confederate. General Longstreet and his headquarters finally arrive at the junction of Portuguese Road and the road north to Seven Pines. Huger’s orders haven’t arrived yet, but Longstreet gives him a bit of warning.
Meanwhile, the fighting continues at Fair Oaks Station and the redoubt. Garland’s Brigade, shaken, falls back after taking some casualties from the Union’s defensive fire. Otherwise there is no significant changes on this position. Union artillery fires from both the 3rd and 4th Corps, but is was ineffective.
In the woods to the north of the redoubt, units from the Union 4th Corps issue defensive fire. This inflicts casualties on Hood, Pettigrew and Hampton’s brigades. The Confederate troops engage in fierce fire combat and the Union also takes heavy losses. Worst of all, Naglee’s brigade routs and Casey’s Division becomes wrecked.
North of Fair Oaks Station, General Smith’s Wing continues to watch its flank in view of the Union 2nd Corps. Smith’s artillery takes a shot at the lead elements of the 2nd Corps but this is ineffective.
Union. The Union 2nd Corps begins to organize itself, after the initial surprise of the rebels at Fair Oak Station. Sedgwick’s Division takes the right and Richardson’s Division has the left. The 2nd Corps supply wagons have arrived at headquarters too, but still no artillery. Meanwhile, the 4th Corps is a mess, with Casey’s Division wrecked. The 3rd Corps has been of assistance with General Kearney’s flanking movement south of the Williamsburg Road.
General Richardson’s troops take defensive fire from Hatton’s Brigade north of Fair Oaks Station. Meagher’s brigade survives this and then forces Hatton to retreat toward the railroad station. (Meagher’s Brigade is a high morale, with an A rating). On the right of Richardson, Burns’ Brigade is pushed back after receiving fire from Law’s brigade. In the redoubt in the center, Abercrombie’s Brigade takes further losses from defensive fire from the rebels. He continues to hold the redoubt.

The Union army is holding its position on the Williamsburg Road, thereby protecting Seven Pines. By the same token, the Confederate Left Wing is ensconced in the position just to the north, at Fair Oaks Station. The US 2nd Corps is having difficulty deploying. The heavy rains from the day before are slowing the arrival of the corps’ artillery batteries.
Turn 10 May 31, 1862 5:30 pm
Confederate. Huger receives his orders to advance on the Union right toward Seven Pines and attack. [These are delayed and he needs a die roll of 1-2 to implement them.] General Longstreet continues to advance along the southern flank and crosses the small stream about half way through the woods.
In the center, D.H. Hill orders his division forward. These encounter enemy defensive fire and both sides take losses. General Kearney’s division is hit hard as Birney’s Bde takes two hits and stragglers. Devin’s Brigade also absorbs heavy casualties. The Confederate forces have some losses and Rains’ brigade becomes low on small arms ammunition. This will require a visit from the supply wagons.
There is a bit of fighting to the north of Fair Oaks Station as well. The fire is mainly between Meagher’s Brigade and Hatton’s Brigade. The Union’s men consist of a high morale unit but both sides inflict losses on each other and hold to their positions.
Union. On the Union right flank, both Sedgwick and Richardson reposition at threaten Fair Oaks. The 3rd and 4th Corps fall back toward Seven Pines, while General Kearney focuses on the left flank. Both Richardson and Sedgwick incur heavy casualties during the rebels defensive fire stage. That damage comes with a cost as Hatton’s Brigade runs low on small arms ammunition. The rebels take further casualties during the 2nd Corps volley.
General Hood’s Brigade is somewhat exposed in front in the woods northeast of the redoubt. His defensive fire is ineffective. Hood’s unit absorbs heavy casualties but maintains perfect morale and holds the position, waiting for the rest of the division to return to help.

This photo shows the US 2nd Corps in position south of the Meadow Road. Some artillery has arrived as well, but it remains limbered at this point. General Whiting is with Hood and his troops in the woods south of Fair Oaks Station. Three Union brigades are in contact. You can also see that D.H. Hill’s Division hasn’t made much progress toward Seven Pines.
Turn 11 May 31, 1862 6:00 pm
Confederate. The first two brigades from Longstreet’s Right Wing have managed to get to the redoubt. Both Wilcox and Colson form into lines. The rest of the wing remains in column all along the road back to Portuguese Road.
Smith’s Left Wing continues to hold its position at Fair Oaks Station, fending off the Federal troops coming from the north. Both sides exchange fire here. Pettigrew’s Brigade is driven back with defensive fire. Hatton’s Brigade also has heavy casualties from defensive fire. Unfortunately, Hatton cannot return fire at range two because he is low on small arms ammunition. Smith orders artillery fire against the Federals north of Fair Oaks and gets some results. Dana’s Brigade takes a few losses.
Featherston’s Brigade incurs heavy losses from Union defensive fire from the redoubts. General Couch is deployed with Abercrombie’s Brigade, but he cannot prevent it from wrecking after fire from Featherston’s unit. Abercrombie falls back toward Seven Pines.
Union. General Kearney’s Division shifts east to cover the road south of Seven Pines. COuch and Casey’s Divisions both fall back to the east. Meanwhile, the 2nd Corps presses on toward Fair Oaks Station. General Hooker arrives from the east with the 2nd Division. These units move in column along the Williamsburg Road.
The rebels fire from the center against the Union troops on the Williamsburg Road. This has absolutely no effect. At Fair Oaks Station, Smith’s forces issue defensive fire on the US 2nd Corps. Howard’s Brigade is routed after receiving fire at close range. General Sedgwick is unharmed, despite being caught in the middle of the fire. Hatton’s brigade is pushed back after heavy fire from the US 2nd Corps. Then General Hood is hit in the flank by General French’s Brigade. Somehow, Hood manages to hold his unit together, and maintain morale. He did absorb some casualties though. Union artillery fire has no effect.

Turn 12 May 31, 1862 6:30 pm
Confederate. Huger decides to implement his orders. He moves his men out in line formation as General Longstreet’s Wing is clogging up the road. D.H. Hill’s Division inches forward in view of the 4th Corps retreat. At Fair Oaks Station, General Hood pivots his brigade so as to get away from the Union’s flank address.
There are three different fights going on now. Longstreet’s Wing is beginning to engage the Union flank as Hill’s Division continues to fire on the center west of Seven Pines. Then Smith’s Left Wing is attacking the US 2nd Corps on the northern flank. Let’s see what develops.
Things don’t go all that well for the Confederates at Fair Oaks Station. Hood’s Brigade becomes wrecked while maintaining its position. Pettigrew is forced to retreat shaken after some casualties. While Law’s unit takes some losses, Hatton is forced to retreat. On the Union side, French’s Brigade routs after its encounter with Hood. It loses a number to stragglers.
In the center, the Union 4th Corps orders defensive fire on Hill’s Division. As a result, Rodes Brigade takes some losses. There is no affect against the Union infantry position, other than morale checks.
On the southern flank, Longstreet’s men make contact with the Union forces at the Redoubt. Wilcox’s Brigade experiences heavy losses to Union defensive fire but the Union troops become low on ammunition. Berry’s Brigade takes some losses after Longstreet’s forces attack.
Union. Hooker’s Division continues to move into the Seven Pines area. All three brigades arrive and change to line formation. Combat resumes on all three sections of the battle.
Fair Oaks Station. Here Smith is holding the station with the Union 2nd Corps trying to wrestle it away. Both sides’ artillery fires in an attempt to destroy the others artillery guns. Hood’s Brigade conducts defensive fire against Meagher’s unit and inflicts some casualties. In turn, Hood also takes numerous losses. Both Dana and Law’s Brigades engage and again, both sides units take loses.
At the redoubt along Williamsburg Road, the Union 4th Corps skirmishes with D.H. Hill’s Division. Losses are exchanged and Abercrombie’s Brigade goes low on small arms ammo. Nonetheless, the Union position is holding, if only because Hill’s Division is becoming weak.
At the redoubt, Kearney’s Division manages to drive off Colson’s Brigade with offensive fire. This position is gaining strength, due to the arrival of Hooker’s Division. The 3rd Corps supply wagons manage to re-supply Kearney’s Division.

Turn 13 May 31, 1862 7:00 pm.
Confederate. General Smith rolls a corps attack stoppage. Everything going down at Fair Oaks Station is up in the air. Night is close by so the fighting was likely to stop soon anyway. General Smith moves his headquarters back a bit toward the west along the Richmond and York Railroad. Fair Oak Station is temporarily abandoned.
Despite this development on the left, D.H. Hill continues to engage in the center. The Union 4th Corps fires defensive volley’s which inflict heavy losses on Rodes Brigade and also forces Garland’s troops to retreat. There is no effect from the Confederate fire on the Union 4th Corps positions.
Longstreet’s Right WinG is locked into combat with Kearney’s Division at the redoubt. The Confederate wing absorbs heavy casualties. Wilcox’s Brigade stays in place near the redoubt but on his right flank, Colson is forced to retreat in disorganization. This leaves a slight gap in Longstreet’s line. The Union also consumes its share of losses. Berry’s brigade takes hits after Wilcox goes low ammunition on him. Birney’s Brigade also reports some casualties and it becomes wrecked.
Union. General Sumner orders the 2nd Corps infantry to move forward to Fair Oaks Station. Fully aware of the enemy artillery, Richardson and Sedgwick proceed with caution. Then Hooker moves his division forward in the center to relieve Couch and Casey’s Divisions. Kearney remains unchanged in his deployments on the southern flank.
Skirmishing fire continues. Both sides fire artillery volleys in the area of Fair Oaks Station. Not much is damaged. Rodes’ Brigade is pushed back and loses some men to stragglers. Featherston’s Brigade likewise falls back disorganized.
Then at the redoubt, Longstreet defends against Union fire from Kearney’s Division. Anderson becomes low on ammunition, but drives one of Kearney’s brigades back. This weakens the Union attack but Berry’s Brigade still inflicts some damage on Wilcox’s forces.

Turn 14 May 31, 1862 7:30 pm
Confederate. D.H. Hill orders the attacks to stop on the center position. Featherston’s Brigade is wrecked, but can be recovered if enough stragglers are rounded up. Rodes’ Brigade is in the same situation. These two units have taken the burden of the attack. The other two brigades, Rains and Garland have sustained heavy damage too, but are not wrecked yet, so Hill’s Division will probably fight again tomorrow.
Longstreet continues his attack. Wilcox’s brigade meets up with enemy fire and is subsequently wrecked. It becomes shaken and is forced to retreat. Since it is also low on ammo, it will not be able to return offensive fire at the two-hex range.
Union. General Heintzelman begins to rearrange his deployments so that the men can gather stragglers. At this point the rebels hold the Portuguese Road Junction for 1 VP. Neither side has Fair Oaks Station. The Union holds Seven Pines still for 2 VP. Union gets 7 VP for rebel losses. Confederates get 5 VP for Union losses. Right now the VP is Union 9 VP Rebs 6 VP. At this point the Union is holding to a minor victory.

Turn 15 May 31, 1862 8:00 pm
Confederate. Longstreet is the only commander who is continuing the attack at this point. He sends Kemper’s Brigade forward where it meets defensive fire from Jameson’s Brigade. This doesn’t cause any major losses but Kemper’s unit becomes disorganized and retreats out of visible range. Meanwhile, Wilcox’s Brigade receives small arms re-supply from the Right Wing wagons. A couple of brigades of D.H. Hill’s Division recover stragglers.
Union. The Union player simply works on recovering stragglers.
Turn 16-24 May 31, 1862 9:00 pm through June 1, 1862 5:00 am
Both sides simply recover stragglers. At 1:00 am, the US 2nd Corps has two artillery batteries that arrive from the northeast. By 4:00 am most of the stragglers had been rounded up. All of the wrecked units from both sides have recovered as a result. The Confederate Left Wing supply wagons manage to re-supply two brigades and then refill at the Army supply train, and return to Smith’s HQ by dawn.
General Johnston sends new orders out to General Hill (a divisional goal) to attack and capture Seven Pines. This order will arrive at 5:30 am. General Smith is ordered to resume his attack at Fair Oaks with the objective of capturing the railroad station . This order arrives at 5:00 am. General Smith is still asleep and the order is delayed and needs a die roll of one. Finally Johnston sends a courier to Longstreet with orders to attack and capture Fair Oaks station from the south. These orders will arrive at approximately 6:30 am.
On the Union side, General Heintzman sends orders for the 2nd Corps to capture Fair Oaks Station. These orders arrive at 5:00 am. General Sumner receives the orders and delays (needs die roll of 1-2.) Nothing else noteworthy happens. Heintzman does not want to provide attack orders to the 3rd or 4th Corps until the situation at Seven Pines shakes out and the Rebels’ intentions become clear.
Turn 25 June 1, 1862 5:30 am
Confederate. General Johnston has been awake all night worrying about the battle. D.H. Hill receives his attack orders and he delays, needing a die roll of 1 or 2. Johnston decides to move his headquarters to the Bridgewater place along the railroad. In other words, the Confederate Army is idle.
Union. General Sumner continues to delay, planning his attack on Fair Oaks Station. Kearney’s Division remains at a safe distance from the rebels near redoubt #1. Otherwise there is not much action here.

Turn 26 June 1, 1862 6:00 am
Confederate. There is clear visibility now. This will allow the units to fire at range, and especially the artillery. Smith decides to move. The Left Wing suddenly rolls into action. Hill is still delaying in the center. Longstreet hasn’t received his orders yet. Both sides begin with artillery exchanges. The Confederates take one gun loss while the Union, too, takes a gun point loss. Both sides also have leaders with their artillery pieces but both survive the casualty rolls. The Union 2nd Corps artillery takes out another Rebel gun point near the Hitchcock plantation. At this point, General Smith is still being cautious about the attack. (And with good reason no doubt.)
Union. The Union player is still waiting for Sumner to begin his attack at Fair Oaks Station. The Confederate Left Wing artillery fires at a Union artillery detachment with Sedgwick and this destroys the battery. Then another of this corps’ artillery points is wrecked. The 2nd Corps artillery returns fire and knocks out two more rebel gun points from the Left Wing. There is now a disparity between the two sides. The 2nd Corps has 12 gun points to the Left Wing’s 3 points.

Turn 27 June 1, 1862 6:30 am
Confederate. D.H. Hill continues to delay his attack, but General Longstreet receives orders for the rest of the left wing to attack. He delays, preparing to renew his assault. (Die roll of 1-2 is needed). General Smith is still trying to attack at Fair Oaks Station, but the Union artillery is making this difficult. General Johnston sends a battery from the Army forward along the railroad to help rectify the situation.
The Union 2nd Corps fires artillery at the Left Wing artillery and manages to take out 3 more cannon. Further artillery fire causes Hood’s Brigade to absorb loses. A burst is directed at Hatton’s Brigade as well but this misses. The Union is down to 25 ammunition points. The Left Wing cannon fire back at French’s Brigade, which becomes disorganized. It doesn’t retreat due to the fact that it is deployed with unlimbered artillery.
Union. General Sumner implements his orders to capture Fair Oaks Station. Smith’s Confederate artillery fires on French’s Brigade and forces it to retreat. The 2nd Corps artillery is forced to limber. Despite this setback, other 2nd Corps artillery hit Whiting’s position on the railroad just west of Fair Oaks Station, knocking out another enemy gun point. The rest of the artillery fire has no effect.
Turn 28 June 1, 1862 7:00 am
Confederate. General Smith orders the Left Wing to break off the attack, getting a corps attack stoppage roll. D.H. Hill is still delaying but General Longstreet begins to implement his orders to attack toward Seven Pines. But, Kearney’s Division is there, ready to meet them. Kemper’s Brigade takes heavy losses and is forced to retreat in disarray. None of the other exchanges have much effect.
Union. The 3rd Corps artillery is limbered and re-deployed to Seven Pines. Kearney’s Division fires back at the Confederate position south of Seven Pines. Not much happens here, but Patterson’s Brigade is driven back by defensive fire.

Turn 29 June 1, 1862 7:30 am
Confederate. Johnston sends word to General Smith to resume the attack on Fair Oaks Station. Meanwhile, General Longstreet has a Corps Stoppage. D.H. Hill, however, resumes the attack in the center. Union 4th Corps artillery fires at Rodes Brigade. The Confederate troops take some casualties and fall back. Hill’s artillery fires into Grover’s position and the Union brigade receives some casualties.
Union. General Sumner continues his attack against Fair Oaks Station. The Rebel artillery fire has no effect but Whiting’s Division causes problems for Gorman’s Brigade, which takes some losses. Fortunately, he holds his position as there is an unlimbered artillery battery behind him. The 2nd Corps artillery joins in with Gorman’s Brigade in an attack against General Hood’s Brigade. As a result, the elite Confederate unit is wrecked.
Turn 30 June 1, 1862 8:00 am
Confederate. General Smith receives his orders to resume the attack at Fair Oaks Station. This is disheartening since Hood’s brigade is wrecked. He delays. (Needs a die roll of 1 to implement the orders.) Johnston sends orders to Longstreet to resume his attack. These will not arrive until 9:30, though. Hood’s brigade is pulled back out of harm’s way. The Army artillery has arrived, so Smith orders that it be unlimbered.
Defensive fire from the US 2nd Corps inflicts some damage on Hatton’s Brigade west of Fair Oaks Station. But then Gorman’s Brigade absorbs heavy casualties from the Confederate fire. In the center, D.H. Hill’s Division attacks the Union 3rd and 4th Corps. Defensive fire damages Featherston’s Brigade. Then Hill’s Division fires and causes casualties to Sickles’ Brigade. General Hooker is with the unit in the front lines, but is unscathed.
Union. Sumner’s Corps continues to work toward Fair Oaks. The rebel artillery fires with no effect. The Union 2nd Corps artillery unleashes a barrage and eliminates the remaining Left Wing battery. (The left wing still has an army battery though. A further barrage causes Hatton’s Brigade to become shaken.)
In the center, the Rebels issue defensive fire and damage Sickles’ Brigade further. General Hooker is wounded so Sickles takes command of the Division. The 4th Corps artillery fires at Hill’s artillery and knocks out a gun point. Then Sickles’ Brigade fires on Featherston’s troops and these takes some losses.
Turn 31 June 1, 1862 8:30 am
Confederate. Smith continues to delay west of Fair Oaks Station, even though his corps is being attacked. Hatton’s Brigade is hit by defensive fire, takes more losses and is forced to fall back a few hundred yards. Hampton’s Brigade, likewise, is damaged by Union artillery.
In the center, D.H. Hill proceeds cautiously as his division is weakened. The Union 4th Corps artillery fires on Hill’s guns and takes out the remaining six cannon on the Williamsburg Road. Then Sickles’ Brigade fires on Garland forcing his unit to fall back, and now he won’t be able to attack. Rains’ Brigade still gets a shot at the Union but he has no affect.
Union. General Sumner resumes his attack on the Fair Oaks Station position. The rebel army artillery unleashes a barrage on the 2nd Corps artillery and knocks out a gun point. The 2nd Corps artillery fires at Hampton’s Brigade, southwest of the rail station. In the center, D.H. Hill and the US 3rd Corps face off. Both sides exchange ranged fire with little effect.

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