Here Come The Rebels
Following the Battle of South Mountain on September 14 Lee ordered his scattered army to concentrate at Sharpsburg. Since much of the AMV was still besieging Harpers Ferry, This concentration could not be completely achieved for several days.
This Scenario covers period between South Mountain and Battle of Antietam when Mcclellan’s Army of the Potomac was presented with golden opportunity to defeat Lee’s army in detail.
MAP: only the west map.
3 tums, September 15 to September 17, 1862.
The Union player gains and loses VPs for the following occurrences at the
Of the game:
VP Reason
+50 If a Union infantry unit occupies Sharpsburg W2413.
+? If an undemoralized Union infantry unit occupies any hex
adjacent to Sharpsburg (W2413) but no Union infantry unite
occupies Sharpsburg, the Union player receives the following VP
+12 If a qualifying Union unit occupies any one hex adjacent to Sharpsburg.
+6 For each additional hex adjacent to Sharpsburg occupied by a qualifying Union unit.
-3 If there are no Union Infantry within 2 hexes of Sharpsburg.
+10 If a Union infantry unit occupies Harpers Ferry (W/2521).
+2 For each destroyed Confederate infantry division or for each Confederate infantry division which cannot trace a path of continuous hexes at the end of the game, no more than 20 hexes in length, to Shepherdstown (W21 15), Harpers Ferry (W2521) or Charlestown (W1924). This path may not enter a Union occupied hex or a Union ZOC unless that ZOC occupied by is Confederate unit. Note: if a Confederate infantry division is destroyed, both these destruction VPs and any applicable loss VP in the VP condition below both apply.
+I For each point Of Confederate Manpower value lost in combat, retreat, or cavalry retreat (not in extended march, force march, or moving from one enemy ZOC to another
-1 For each point of Union Manpower value lost in combat, retreat, or cavalry retreat (not in extended march, force march, or moving from one enemy ZOC to another).
The Confederate player automatically wins the initiative 1st Activation phase.
Turn l: determined normally thereafter.
Movement Restrictions: Union units may not enter any hex in Berkeley County. Remove it
Franklin. Paralysis: On turn 1, Franklin and the units in his VI corps
operate under paralysis. No other Union units are subject to paralysis,
-only on turn 1. The effects of paralysis on Franklins units are:
- The Movement Allowance of a unit performing a march is reduced by two to a minimum of one (even in an Activate Corps
Leader action).
- Units may not force march (they may extended march).
- Franklin may not conduct a corps assault action; however, his units are allowed to participate in a Grand Assault.
Exception: the paralysis is removed in any Union Activation Segments both of the following restrictions at the start of the
that meet Activation Segment:
- A Union infantry unit occupies Rohrersville W2914
- No Confederate infantry unit occupies Brownsville W2917
Confederate Movement Restrictions: The Confederate player is subject to the following movement restrictions:
- A.P. Hill may not activate on Turns 1 and 2, but he may entrench.
- Thomas may not activate for the duration of the game but he may entrench. This restriction is removed if the Union has at any time
occupied Harper’s Ferry.
- Lawton, J.R. Jones, Walker, and Armistead may not activate in the first two Activation Segments of Turn 1 (counting the Ist
Activation Segment that the Confederate automatically wins).
Harpers Ferry Fort: The Union fort in Harpers Ferry is destroyed in this scenario (see A dvanced Game rule 10.0).
At the end of the game, the Union VP total is calculated and the players consult the chart below to determine the winner.
21 or more: Union Decisive Victory
12 to 20 Union Substantive Victory
3-11… well you suck [Marginal] ….-16 Rebel Decisive Victory.
Look for a history & tactics video coming soon as we assess what each side could or shoud do and some historical background from the ACW Noob ! – ME
The NATO icons are a mite off-putting.
you think so?
Personal taste on my part of course. I find the use of icons in the pre-WW2 era to be more evocative of the particular time (Terrible Swift Sword and the like) and helps distinguish the period and the game.
I hear you.