Yes friends,
I convinced my self that playing Pacific War (a Battle Scenario ) on Vassal with a friend was a good idea. He does not like me enough to play face to face. But he will entertain me via vassal…PBeM
Thus we prep! Rules printed, index found and printed. A cover sheet and folder. One of these days I shall use a 3 hole punch with precision.
Starting with ‘basic game’ 47 pages of early period Hermanesque rules. The more Herman games I play the more wordy I find his rules… is that just me?
Then we can get serious about the advanced game……or not.
The layout for this game is interesting for a monster, as both sides have ‘screens’. Due to the concepts around task forces etc. Makes for a large space requirement. Yet its just two standard sized maps.
How is the game going?
Still hoping ot get started!! VASSAL is a non started via email. So it will need to be face to face. She is setup and raring to go.
I’d play you live VASSAL if you had the inclination.
Dont taunt me young man….Finding time is the darn challenge. All your ASL…ahem.