#Rising Eagles, #Hexasim, #Napoleonic

Rising Eagles 11AM & 12PM /4


Continuing from HERE

11 AM

Russian Guard begins their plodding journey towards Krug. Napoleon sees this and orders Murat to follow. Bernadotte captures the Post Office and begins setting up on the southern ridge to defend against the Russian Guards’ inevitable advance.

Prebyshevsky begins pulling back towards the northeast. Soult launches a major assault on Coalition Third Column positions. The Azov regiment covers itself in glory by nearly demolishing the entire 24 Legere. However, the 75th and 4th Ligne eliminate the remnants of the 7th Jaeger. The French have almost cleared the Heights, but at a bloody cost to both sides. Vandamme can afford these losses, but Prebyshevsky’s Column is nearly shattered.

12 AM

Lannes cannisters some Cosssacks. Suchet’s division continues attacking Bagration’s left flank and prepares for the incoming Russian Guard. Lannes continues pressuring the entire line, sending the 2nd Dragoon division to watch the Russian right. The 51st Ligne is repulsed on this flank by Jaegers and horse artillery, while the French continue to grind forward with attacks from the 34th and 40th Ligne (Suchet) and the 17th and 61st Ligne (Caferelli). Bagration continues to hold the line, but infantry losses continue to mount. Bernadotte begins pressuring Bagration’s left flank and threatens to encircle this exposed flank. The Guard is almost in position to assault Bernadotte’s positions along the ridge line.

Soult continues mopping up. The Dragoons are too much for Azov’s regiment, and they retreat. The remnants of Prebyshevsky’s column are surrounded. Kolowrat begins to fall back out of artillery range, but before doing so, blasts a battalion of the 28th Ligne, providing a retreat path for the demoralized Third Column to retreat Northeast.

For the last two hours, little has taken place along the lower Goldbach.


Vandamme will mop up the remnants of the 3C. Then, Soult will begin attacking Kolowrat’s 4C. The objective is not to take the Stare Vinohradi, but to inflict maximum casualties on this Column. The key battle is about to begin in the North as the Russian Guard are nearly in position, while Bagration attempts to extract what’s left of his command and draw off Lannes’ units from helping Bernadotte. Bernadotte will not be able to withstand the Guard alone, so Murat has to provide support to draw off the Russian Guard’s cavalry. After consultation with the staff, (determined by coin flip) Alexander decides to continue his attack on Davout, but the weather may not allow much more activity, given the threats in the North. (snow DRM to end of turn rolls)