Radio Commander hit steam today. KS backers got their keys yesterday.
I believe you can buy it for a low $14.99
The premise is you are monitoring teams from base via radio.
Units do NOT update real time. You need to check in with them, to know their status, or location!! So cool!
Our mission today was to build Hearts and Minds, and listen to realistic dialog and comment on the war. Which, got a little cheesy but in a fun way.
You have mapping tools and ways to make notes on map. But this was straight forward.
Go to Village, chat. Get Intel. Grab reinforcements then go follow up on intel.

Once I relaized I could just click on the coordinates that made life easier. I was clicking them in the first 25 minutes of the scenario.

Never double time… you wear your boys out!

Once the two units go together we headed to the camp, expecting an ambush. So we went slow…. This took a long time. But thankfully you can speed time up. By doing so tho it is easy to get out of synch with units.

It ends up the VC camp was abandoned. But that’s ok… we burnt it down anyway.

Of course on the way back to the LZ we get a contact. Thankful not an ambush. The two units pound the enemy. ‘who die fiercely and in a determined ferocious manner…’

Then they were waxed, and the Yanks won. Popped the Cherry.

Blah blah.. good theme!!

1st mission complete.
Fun and addictive and a bit tense. I’m on mission 2!!!
I watched some of the Steam “live” feed yesterday. The dude just reconned the whole area oblivious how to properly run the mission given him. I’m glad you reviewed the game, I am on the fence, worried it would get old fast. But taking a break from pushing a supply chit around is nice some times!
I’ll try and record some game play. My OBS streaming set up does not like dual monitors or my screen format.. I dunno.
Wow this really sounds- and even kinda looks with the map – like the old Ranger game from back in the 80’s, where you drew the mission out on a plastic map sheet with dry erase pens. Looks interesting.