A quick stock take of the year to date in game play terms.
To this list below I need to add, one play of Angola, a third and likely final session of TMEII, another play of Panzer, Level 7 Escape and Omega Protocol and an almost finished play of SPI classic Desert Fox (turn 3..so not really finished). We must subtract a Xenophon which is listed twice for some reason, but I only played that thing once that was more than enough. I looked at Syracuse the Vae Victis game…or is it ATO? I dont recall and cant be bothered checking, the high number of die rolls for that title caused the Zun Tzu module to be pushed aside for now.
While the Talavera play was aborted the number of hours fairly counts for a play of some description, but not enough to allow me to offer any insightful comments other than it aint for me at this stage.
The SPI Fifth Corps play and related modules is really one big campaign play, we managed to get 2/3’s of the way through that when the laminated counters sticking to my fingers was finally enough.
For the balance of the year I will not be playing much – finishing a session of Reluctant Enemies. Continuing our 2nd play through of Carthage (current 258 B.C.) Continuing a slow juicy play of the GDW classic Third World War, wrapping up Desert Fox and Valle de la Mort. On the 20th of December I am playing Mark Simonitch’s Ukraine ’43 face to face.
In no particular order I hope to play in 2015:
Imperium Romanum II
This Hallowed Ground [small scenario] /Last Chance for Victory
Unconditional Surrender
A GTS title
OCS Sicily or smaller training scenarios of DAKII online.
Le Vol de l’Aigle
More Panzer, and LNL, WAW stuff.
I am not going to have as much time going forward to post or play in 2015, so the above is likely overly ambitious. That said The chronological walk thru of WWII, Playing all my WWIII themed titles and exploring Pre WWII will drive game titles selected to be played in 2015.
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