October 1941 – SCS North Africa.
Its been a VERY long turn. We both had banked supply.
This might be the sixth activation? Or more?

We both have mostly full strength armies…though my Commonwealth chaps are feeling a tad battered.
Each side is seeking its primary goals.

It seems the Axis wish to flank to force a withdrawal, while the Allies have a strong line, and are DG -ing stacks in a bit of pre-emptive spite, and making some successful counter attacks, they are losing the positional war.
I’ve brought the fragile South Africans up to cover the flank and the withdrawal.
I’ve brought the fragile South Africans up to cover the flank and the withdrawal.
But now the question is how far? Can I extricate myself from Halfaya Pass intact?
Can I smoothly drop back to Mersa? Is that too far?
Where is the next best line and do I really want to give up all that terrain and free supply to the German machine?

Full reports to come, I’ve been chronicling the entire campaign so far and I must say its a bit epic!
Enjoy this little snippet.