Well we kicked off a turn a couple of weeks ago.
Steve and I had fun, but we made some errors on both sides primarily with MA counters. This really restricted the moves for the Axis, and we ended up moving Russian units in the south. So we reset.
As we can see the penetration was good but not terribly deep. All the German armour went East and none North, certainly a mistake. Nor could the German units get to Minsk. In the South the efforts were lack lustre at best. BUT – Brest Livosk fell, Lvov fell and we took 2 VP locations.
In the Soviet turn we made several mistakes so that and the MA marker thing warranted a re start. Which is great!
Our experiment continues here in Test 2:
Our game kicked off and while I have some ‘briefing’ posts coming, I thought it might be nice to share our reset and replay of Turn 1 [Turn 112] of the game that we did tonight.
The Germans went all out for a Turn 1 win, just for fun to see if it was even possible. Surprise, surprise we got very close. With just 1 step remaining in a major City Assault on Minsk, thwarting a clean sweep in the North. Riga fell, Kaunas and Vilnius fell and it was almost over.
Losses were pretty heavy, with 2 -4 mech steps lost and several infantry steps lost in some dumb attacks, for attack sake! We also made better use of reserve movement this turn too!
4th Pzr Group took Riga with 6th Pzr. 3rd SS hit Vilnius while 8th Pzr took Kaunas. 3rd Pzr’s 4 Tank divisions and 1 Mot.. attack Minsk, having had the way cleared by 2nd Pzr Group who struck North up through 10th Army area into 3rd Army, clearing one key hex just south of Grodno.
1st Pzr Group advance to the North of Tarnopol, where a prior attack [Mobile Assualt] went sideways and required them to conduct their own overrun verses running deeper to join up with the 17th Army Light Jaegers – 101st, 97th J and 1st Mtn.
The bad news tho is some sloppy play left a LOT of Russians in supply. Always lots to think about in this mechanically, or rules wise simple game.
The Russians elected to pull back aggressively and begin forming up their next defensive lines. Further south they reinforced Odessa as well. A solid swap space for time move.