Here let me kick off. Join in and post your images of your favorite dice on facebook or @ BGG where I will cross post.
First for love not for use:
Stunner! Amber Rix of RixDice. Sweet machined precision goodness.
Then the dread LNL blue die of death know and feared by all who play me @ LNL….through good times and bad. The go to die:
My favorite two to use playing games that require 2d6:
Can anyone tell the difference in image quality here? (testing the camera on this new phone.
1d10…and others. I struggle with 1d10. Wow can the odds be worse of finding a decent rolling d10?
Of the ones on the left below only the yellow one rolls ‘well’.
My single orange d8 is a worthless mofo. The ‘roll’ is it spinning in the air, thats it. It is a “skidder”, it slides across the rolling surface. Bastard.
A d20?..’Cause you know I was a Chaotic Good Paladin Level a bazillion once upon a time or something like that. Finally for a handful of dice I like big ones like the ones from Lock’n Load with soft rounded edges to keep me rolling for that lucky strike!
Blue die from hell must be crushed! >:(
LOL.. where the hell have YOU been!!!!
It’s summer dude. The only season up here where I can drink beer from the bottle outside with out it becoming stuck to my face!
Soon will be the time I can spank you at LnL again…
– Vance
OL. set a game up outside and grab a web cam wimp