Above is the initial setup for the Soviets for our upcoming game of Proud Monster Deluxe [ well it is really under weigh, but we cant be posting insights, crazy ideas and plans so the enemy may see them! Right?
100% of the Soviets start untried. Value ranges on defense are quite wide 1-5 for infantry while armour defensive values are all 1. Mot. Forces are 3 through 6 oh and two who are rated 7 on defense.
Sadly Armour is usually stacked with Mot. Units making them double risky to attack. Is it a 2 or a 7 on the defense factor?!
3rd PzGp has to knock out the 1117 hex in a MA [overrun], and follow on forces from them and possibly 9th Army need to help drive AGC towards Minsk to setup capturing that hex in T2 or no later than T3.
Riga is just far enough away to be un reachable in Turn 1 for Infantry. If we allocate armour we might be able to muster a half decent attack. Vilnius can be reached if a successful Mobile Assault [MA] is affected against 1212 or 1213. Follow on forces would need to ensure that a supply line was open! 4th PzGp will have its work cut out for it, and 18th Army will feint to Leningrad but I’m not sure Leningrad is such a winning strategy yet.
With no ZOCs, isolating and putting units OOS [Out of Supply] will be a real challenge. So we will need to leverage terrain also. 17th Army is going to punch units in the face. Ignore losses and hope for the best!
No easy task…Im not sure what to do here? The Lunge to Odessa and Kiev are equally important. Not sure there is the manpower to do both let alone one! Yet this can all await turn 2 when they are free to attack move across the Prut River.