I thought this might be an interesting way to see which of my games I own are played. To see which of the currently owned games I have that I have played and remain to be played.
They are listed alphabetically.
Green check marks indicate a play at some point in the life cycle of ownership.
An interesting view, it highlights to me that I have a good handful of titles I have not played that I really don’t care to; i.e. Dead of Winter, Soviet Dawn, Empires in Arms as well as some GDW games that just need to be gone, some SPI oldies that really ought to find a new home.
Something tells me a minor shelf clearing is due!
Interesting of the 94 games I have previously owned only 11 of them (red circle) have found their way back into my collection. 3 are speculative, and a few are re acquisitions because I’m a dummy.
Very impressive. I see you have/had D-day. That was the first one I ever played. My friend bought it brand new during a class trip to Raleigh NC when we were in 7th grade elementary school. We played the hell out of it then he made a purchase a few months later. It was Afrika Korps and we focused on that for a while. Tactics II was my first purchase. It’s how I got my younger brother started then I got the first Battle of the Bulge and we switched over to playing that. We bought only AH brand till we discovered other brands such as West End (highly prized) and SPI. Between him and I a decent collection. You have/had a lot of what we have (we still own what we have purchased through the years and we both have our own copies of some the games likes Squad Leader (1st three games) and Panzer Blitz/Leader. There…it’s been awhile but again I finally said something!
Empires in Arms is a great game if you have a good group to play with. On your own it won’t work.