Historical background:
Operation Cobra was the codename for an offensive launched by the First United States Army (Lieutenant General Omar Bradley) seven weeks after the D-Day landings, during the Normandy Campaign of World War II. The intention was to take advantage of the distraction of the Germans by the British and Canadian attacks around Caen, in Operation Goodwood[11] and break through the German defenses that were penning in his troops, while the Germans were unbalanced. Once a corridor had been created, the First Army would then be able to advance into Brittany, rolling up the German flanks once free of the constraints of the bocage country. After a slow start the offensive gathered momentum and German resistance collapsed as scattered remnants of broken units fought to escape to the Seine. Lacking the resources to cope with the situation, the German response was ineffectual and the entire Normandy front soon collapsed. Operation Cobra, together with concurrent offensives by the British Second Army and the Canadian First Army, was decisive in securing an Allied victory in the Normandy Campaign.
Having been delayed several times by poor weather, Operation Cobra commenced on 25 July.
July 27th
“We Keep the Faith”
Sgt Carlson, finished up his conversation with the ground pounders from the 30th on his radio. His crew prided themselves on running a tight unit, but they were covered in grime, their tank needed a major service and they were dog tired. The last 24 hours had seen them in almost constant action. After a quick resupply and chow they were pushed to drive the Germans back again. Since DDay, their company had seen it all from Vierville-sur-Mer to more recently the Vire River near St Lo. But they were frayed he could feel it.
Today they were not only tired but morale was low. Being bombed by your own air force had a way of shattering your already rocky faith in ‘Upper Command’. Worse yet, their Lt had been injured in the shelling as had the Company commander. His platoon was now tasked with supporting the 30th Infantry Division who had also been bombed, in pressing the advantage and into the gap near St Lo. “Light resistance was expected”.
He grimaced and immediately regreted it. The stitches that ran down his once handsome face from high on his right brow to his jaw were still tender, greasy and a little puffy. No doubt infected he thought. “Keep the Faith” he muttered..right.
” Ok fellas, this is Red 6 to all buckets. Lets keep Jerry’s head down, keep an eye out for defence, AT guns and armor. The 30th is doing the heavy lifting here, but they too have suffered casualties the last few days, so lets keep it tight. Fid the weak spot and pound it. ”
German forces on the right, set up after the Yanks do on the left. 2 Companies of Infantry [+1 in reserve] and a platoon of tanks on Day 1 are set to probe the enemy lines. The Germans have a couple of Mark IV’s and a company of troops plus a few surprises.
More soon.
Kev, Good warm up