July 27th

“We Keep the Faith”

Carlson’s tank rolled to a stop in the lee of a stone farmhouse so typical of the area they were now in. It looked pristine, fresh flowers were even in the window! “Incoming!’ someone cried out, the window, wall and roof blossomed outwards showering his tank and himself in debris and shrapnel. The corner of the house sagged.
‘ Reverse 10 yards around the house Bobby.’ Carlson called out to his driver. He shook, then brushed off glass, plaster and a flower petal from his shoulders. It was then he noticed the glass shard penetrating the back of his hand. ‘Ok deadeye, lets target that Pak! Can you see the little bastard?’ While he talked he slowly slid the glass out, and wrapped his hand with his kerchief. ‘Hey fellas, I think I earned another Purple Heart!’ Everybody chuckled in the tank. ‘Ok lets find us some Germans.’ He said more in a more deadly tone. ‘ Hey Deadeye, I see them, traverse to 320, 1800 yards’
“Move up, press up on the Y junction, my troops will cover you Carlson!” Lt radioed. ‘You just make sure your men move their damn asses!’ Carlson said.
Red 6’s #2 tanker reported in. “Taking heavy fire! Damn that was a close one Sarge, move, move..this is Red6-2, I see him! Hedgerow 500 yards..Crackle.zzt.”..BOOM.. Carlson saw the plume of smoke and felt the shockwave of 2’s tanks exploding. He ground down on his dead cigar harder.

Press up, muttered Carlson, I’ll press the damn trigger, I’ll press up.. His gunners fired into the building, with malice raging, as their team mate’s tanks blazed behind them. The ground pounders advanced adding their fire, but could not close in on the building. Carlson ass was in a sling… Again.
Over on the American left flank, an German NCO directed fire. “behind zee hedge – Fire Fire!!! ” The US troopers dive for cover along the narrow lane, as MG 42 rounds pepper their position. The whip and whistle of rounds close to them, flying thru the hedge.
Lt. Harris saw his man dropface first into the soft earth before he heard the bullet. He swore he felt the thwack of metal spreading thru the radiomans flesh.
That bullet was meant for him.
He hit the dirt, next to his dead twitching trooper.. Where the hell was Carlson and his tanks? He grabbed the radio Shouting into it, mostly in a panic. Telling who ever would listen to move up! Get the sniper!
You have a talent for creative writing!