Part 1,2, 3
Effective pak fire from the Germans halts all movement mid field, and Company A struggles to deal with heavy MG fire, wounding and killing men as they attempt to close in.
Wasting no time, Chan and his men rush the house while the Germans are hunkered down. Quickly clearing the house. As they take up positions they see a tank retreating up the road. ” Lets go!” says Chan.
Panting and out of breath, the men double take….”Lt, please sir..” ” We got them on the run, corporal move your men on the double, and follow me!”
Near Chans men, another Sherman fires. We hit it!
Shut up and fire again! Kill the damn thing, then move!
Carlson and his other tanker fire at the smaller armoured car guarding the roadblock, but hidden behind its makeshift berm they hang on. In effective return fire glances off Carlson’s tank.
Continuing to press his luck Lt Chan and his men rush the hedgerow. Knowing that on the other side skulks the Panther. The tank then turns, rolling forward, its MG and main gun fire.
Chans men hit the dirt! They are too close and too low for the German fire to be of much effect.
“Distract them, flank it. Bazooka team, go, go , go get around it” Roars Chan. Round after round fires, the German battens his hatch and reverses back! – Good job men! The guys shake their heads..wondering…what is next?
Company A is facing more than its fair share of challenges crossing the fields. But they press on, and the Germans are forced back on the main village. Lt Harris finally gets enough troops to the woods and his tanks light up the area.
Like many battles as the tides of fortune move to and fro it is the men in the right spot at the right time that can often break the back of the enemy. As troops close in on all sides, the tankers sense the advantage has gone to the attackers. Taking bazooka, and Sherman rounds at an increasing rate, they fall back. Company A and B advance on the village from two sides. Wreckage smokes, wounded troops move in the sanctuary of the church. Some begin to surrender.
As night falls, trucks can be heard in the distance. Company C is being brought in. The Germans uses the cover of darkness to make good their escape to fight another day in these Hedgerow’s of Hell.