Her are some notes I had made as I was dropping deep into the theme for Desert Fox Deluxe, before all the hassle with support questions and my eventual abandonment. I do hope to revisit at some point. Yes I am aware that the header image is from the original SPI magazine title.
Mersa Matruh
As the sunset across the stony terrain the men in armoured cars, light trucks and other vehicles, squinted into the particle filled red haze. On their right they knew there was the briny smell of the sea breeze that was mingling with Aleppo pine and eucalyptus trees. It was a unique scent. But they could only smell dirt and vehicle exhaust through the haze of the engine bonnets in their nostrils as they motored casually into the sunset..
Rumour had it they were headed to Sollum. The Ities were at it again, threatening to invade, pounding their hairy chests. But this time the refugees and reports made it sound a bit more likely!
Straffer Gott figured this time, they might put their training to work. He had AT guns from 7th Support Group, the 11th Indian motorized infantry, and the bloody 7th Royal Tank Regiment!
He also had the 11th Hussars who would head south and then West towards Bir Emba looking for flanking units of the Italians. While further behind him he had 2 more brigades of stout Indians and 4th Light Tank.
The spaces, and areas to control were impossibly big. Everyone needed, fuel, water and bullets in that order…mostly that order anyway.
Once they got to Sidi Birani they could check the air strips and resupply. There really was no rush. Though he would be happy once the colonials…erm, Commonwealth partners from Australia and New Zealand arrived. A prickly bunch of bastards, but rugged fighters.
Meanwhile – At the Egyptian border:
Maletti and the other Italian formations moved out quickly into the desert. Following a pre planned drive to quickly Capture Sollum and dig in, as stage one of their drive on Alexandria!
After moving, there are likely better options that the Italian commanders could have chosen for unit placement. Where Zones of Control and blocking units from rear access could have been achieved. We will explore more that in the next post.