Ash could see the Germans through the intermittent sleeting snow and gusting wind. Like wraiths, they flitted from crater to crater, often dashing 30 yards or more in the open while their mortars rounds tried to keep his head down.
The 1919 opens up with deadly effect:
Further, up the tree line Sgt Hill and his squads and 1919, had their hands full. Jerry had got in close. A lot of yelling and shooting there. But not much he could do, his job was the FNG’s [F#$king New Guys].
Ash kept looking for his mortars teams shots in the grey and white sky. He could hear them, but not see them. Everything was surreal, muted and really quiet pretty. Until you heard the crump and muffled cry of anguish from some hapless German caught in the open.
Lt Michael had come along nicely, but in a kind of scary way Ash mused. He wanted dead Jerries. No prisoners and no excuses from the men. Which was why Ash was situated near the second 30 cal team. They had just the one senior guy in the squad. All the rest were FNG’s. No one knew their names. No one cared yet. They had to survive first, and do their damn job.
On they came, dark figures in warm heavy coats, hell they had gloves too!! Well at least they were warm he thought. Meanwhile he was freezing his ass off. Logistics. Yeah armies run on their stomachs. F#$k we work better with 5 fingers on each hand too, and no frostbite. Damn it was cold…his mind drifted.
The 1919 chugah chugged, bringing him back into focus. At least 3 squads were running hard right at us. The FNG’s fired long panicked bursts. He could hear Baker screaming at them to slow down, control the burst and aim lower….Shit. We are all gunna die, he sighed to no one in particular. Gathering up his kit he prepared to move over and help Baker with the recruits.
A sniper’s rifle cracked overhead, as Bakers men drove the enemy to ground. Baker was pretty sure the panicked kid manning the 30 had hit few guys. “Slower kid..slower, controlled bursts.”
Turn 2
Over at the far end of the line, Sgt Hill indeed was racing his squad through the sparse woods to reinforce the MG team, who had stopped firing. As his men entered the area, they formed an inverted V, seeking to coral the enemy and identify their concentration of force.
Both sides lit into each other, men dove for cover as snow, branches, bark flew everywhere. Ricochets whistled by, both sides ducked, moved, fired and dodged through the woods.
Near Lt Michael, Ash could see that several squads closing in. He had support, but to his mind it was too far away. He was about to head over and help out, when he realised that the 30 cal was not firing. “Shit”.. he grabbed his rifle and ran, dodging between trees, ducking as bullets shipped by. Germans were everywhere.
Turn 4
He dove into the nearest pathetically shallow fox hole. God Dang FNG’s…They were gunna wish it was deeper! “Get up, get up, who is manning the 30? He shook the soldier who stared wildly at Ash. I.. I dunno. A whistling sound, followed by another….”Incoming” shouted Ash. He dove for cover. Hugging the frozen ground, clawing closer, pressing in. Huge branches fell, trees exploded, and men died. Just as suddenly it was over.
With ears still ringing, he was up after the last shell, cratered the earth. The Jerry always salvo’d a certain way. He sprinted, panting. Dove into Bakers extended fox hole and slid to a stop. Most of the fire team were huddled around Baker, trying to stop the bleeding. “Shit…shit.. He took one look at Baker and knew he was done for. “Baker buddy, I got you. I got you. He jabbed a morphine shot in his arm. Saw the panic fade, and watched Baker slip away, a small smile on his face. He guts were all over two of the troopers. “get on that f$%king gun, Damn it!!! NOW…They sat staring at their hands. Then one stood and turned towards the MG and started walking to the MG “Get down you dumb ass, get…The FNG’s head ballooned outwards, like a melon exploding.
Ash crawled over the guy, racked the gun, checked the belt and pulled up on the trigger, anger poured through from his heart to his arm, down to the trigger finger. “More ammo, More ammo he yelled. One of the FNG’s scooted forward, dragging a fresh box, and fed the belt in. He kept low, the shock gone from his face. “Hey kid,” Ash said..then laughed, he was what maybe a year or two older? Kid, its gunna be ok, stick by me, whats your name? Lucado he stammered in reply. “Ok, Lucado, Ash, said, sparing him a glance, ” you keep me in ammo, and you keep an eye out left and right. Get your friends who are alive to start shooting anytime now. Got it? We gunna be ok, but this gun has to stay up, or your as dead as your pal there Ya hear me Lucado?”
Turn 5
A Potato Masher sailed through the air , landing at Lucados feet, he grabbed it and threw, But nor far enough. The blast caught him and Ash, blowing them back and down. Shrapnel peppered Ash, he cried in pain. Left handed now he pulled on the trigger taking out the 2 advancing Germans, then collapsed into the fox hole, writhing in pain. “Lucado, buddy, you doing ok?”….He didn’t answer. In fact no one was left around him. The men all had assumed poses of inhuman death.
Cpl Meadow shouted out to the MG pit; “get that damn MG up ASAP” ” Yeah yeah, Cpl, get me a damn loader and a squad will ya. Oh and a medic.”
Mortar shell rained down, and Meadow called out, “on the way Ash, on the way, you got to hold on a minute man.” Somewhere an MG 42 chattered its death song. Ash’s vision blurred. He thought I need to bandage, and I need a tourniquet…. He fumbled, in his kit, then dragged Lucado closer and hid behind him, rummaging for first aid. Finding it just as bullets thwacked the inert body in front of him.
With a bandage on, he worked the tourniquet tight on his right arm. The pain, brought clarity, hi bit down and racked the 30, again and checked the belt. Just as a German soldier arched his back to throw, death his way. A squeeze and the gun rid up and tore the bastard to bits. The rest of the Germans hunkered down and started inching back. He poured on the fire… they were retreating!
He sighed relief and passed out over the gun, sagging down on it.
Back at the relief station Ash came to. He was warm for the first time. With an IV, bandages and stitches all over his right side. Sgt Hill and Cpl Meadows walked into the aid station. “Shit Cpl Ash you look like crap” Then they smiled at him. “Wait, what? Corporal? ” Yeah, for some reason that butter bar got a soft spot for you, wants to give you a medal. But don’t worry, we told him you were just too stupid to die like the rest of the squad!! They all laughed, and Ash, immediately regretted it as pain wracked his side. “Give me a smoke Sarge, you owe me that much.” Ash grimaced as he spoke.
“Sure kid, Sure, here you go. You know we all got lucky this time, we were close to cracking, but they cracked first.”
The correct yank jargon for 1919 is 30 cal (.30 calibEr) or Browning 30 cal., mate
MG43 eh?
Yeah, special gun. Sorry to disappoint. I love when guys like you post up a minor error like this. Makes me all warm and wet. Merry Xmas.