For this AAR of OCS Korea please note there are 3 videos also on You Tube to complement this written content. IF..Big if.. I organize this correctly they should appear as posts on the blog also in the right order…ahem..
BGG Backgrounder:
Korea: The Forgotten War, Is the ninth game in the Operational Combat Series (OCS) release by The Gamers.
The Korean War stands as a key event in world history. The first shooting confrontation of the Cold War, and the first limited war of the nuclear age, it is the only time since the Second World War that two of the world’s major military powers fought one another – in this case the United States and China.
Diplomatically, the war offers an interesting view of the miscalculation and ineptitude on both sides that led to open conflict. It also brings to light the United Nations’ first opportunity to play a leading role in world military events.
Korea: The Forgotten War covers the first year of the war and highlights the mobile phases of the battle. Campaign victory is determined most often by the stable positions of the lines (relative to the “neck” of the peninsula). A number of shorter scenarios are also included to allow players to explore specific operations or to use as a training scenario before taking on one of the campaign games.
Korea: The Forgotten War was initially released in 2003. The 2014 (2nd edition) is a reprint of the 2003 (1st edition) with changes made to address errata and to better conform to the latest version of the OCS rules when printed.
Korea: The Forgotten War has 15 scenarios broken down as follows:
5 1-map scenarios
4 2-map scenarios
6 3-map scenarios
Game Scale:
Turn: Half-week
Hex: 5 miles / 8 Km
Units: Battalion to Army
2014 Game Inventory:
Three 22 x 34″ full-color mapsheets
Four dual-side printed countersheets (2 combat, 2 markers – 560 1/2″ counters)
One 48-page OCS v4.1a rules booklet
One 40-page Korea v2.0 game specific rules booklet
Two 4-page OCS v4.1a Charts & Tables Folders
Two dual-sided Player Aid cards
Two 6-sided dice
Complexity: High
Solitaire Suitability: High
Playing Time: 4-100 hours
Players: 1 or more
OCS The Forgotten War – Korea II
This is the updated 2nd edition of the game which is one of the venerable classics of The Gamers era. Representing the full conflict in its operational and logistically challenging glory.
Solo Game Play:

At the beginning of the November 26th turn the Chinese Communist Forces [CCF] received 4 SP.
The 9th army attacks around the Chosin area their artillery suppresses the 7th marine Regiment as they contend with and fight 7 regiments of Chinese forces.

2nd corps from the ROK units melt, and the Chinese advanced towards Tok ‘Chon.

During the November 29th turn the Chinese take initiative and flight is good for both sides they also received 4 SP.
The Chinese moved to envelop the ROK and the 25th Infantry Division however, US airstrikes pound away at the Chinese despite losing two steps, they do kill a regiment and thwart the planned attacks of the Chinese Communist forces. The steps lost in the aircraft are the F4U and an AD unit.
The 11/1 ROK holds against 2 plus infantry divisions!
In the North the Chinese are unable to break through near the Chosin Res. In the UN turn The 2nd hour OK

The United Nations forces in their turn received ROK- 1PAX , 1 UN PAX and 1UN EQ for replacements. There are NO air replacements. This will bite over time.
The UN begin the withdrawal from the Chosin area they attempt to create a line from Sinoju to Song’Chon.
1st Cav forces @8:1 counterattacks this is a great attack resulting in a DL1/A01 [Attacker either retreats of loses a step], 7th Cav retreats, after knocking off a Regiment of CCF forces. Note also that the air strikes continue during the barrage phases to foil the Chinese Communist planned attacks and movement for next turn.
The 7th Marine units begin the walk down the road to Younghung. Two regiments are lost on the Western coast due to attrition.

December the 1st All rivers are now frozen! The Chinese continued to receive a plus two on initiative. Flight is clear for the United Nations forces.
CCF forces receive 8SP’s the CCF move has 2 attacks that are Reverse surprise these cause losses for the Chinese East of Kumi ri they breakthrough and surround the ROK units.

US air in the reaction phase hits 2 of 3 targets to slow down the general advance. Their 1st Cavalry and infantry units advanced towards SongCh’on.
Up in the Chosin area the Chinese attack forces attack the Marine Arty unit. but the best they can do is force the artillery to retreat.

This was a particularly thin inept attack. UN turn; USAF conduct several train busting activities [Interdiction] which add plus 1 to the terrain cost. This help seal the right flank and allows the 7th infantry infantry division to occupy key road junction protecting the Eastern flank and parts of the Southern route to Seoul.

Feeling punchy, a 6 step force using elements from the 24th and the 25th Infantry Division and 2 battalions of tanks counter attack to relief the Turkish force from the United Nations contingent are holding a depot of supplies. Unfortunately this attack does not go well resulting in AL1/D01.

The Chosin River Marines are isolated and now out of supply and are conducting the classic walk through the mountains in an attempt to escape encirclement by massive Chinese forces.
Love this game. Nice job.