North Africa 41 Sept I and II

Opening Allied moves Turn 12 Sep I Impulse 3

Bombing Raid for the random event, we reduce Tobruk by 1`. Down to 1:

Impulse 3

Allies complete fortifications in the wilds of Bir el Khamsa.

4th Brigade 2nd NZ, and 6RTR hold the line there.

The Poles fail to reorg and finish fortifications. Rest of the turn is spent reorganizing forces and bringing fresh supply and troops up. We can begin gearing up for a counter offensive as soon as he bleeds out a little attacking us.

Axis moves, he presses forward but with limited or no supply executes two small attacks. One is kind of important, it’s a road clearing exercise to get at the Poles before they complete their fort. The other a nuisance attack trying to kill off recon units.

Axis attack both recon units again slowing his forces. We lose one unit and force a step lose the other attack is successful and forces a dR2.

Both traffic markers come off.

At end of turn both sides lose a supply unit. Italians lose theirs. No SP on map for the Axis!

VP phase no change. -5.

Turn 13. SEPII

This is the last 2 impulse turn.

Malta roll moves up one! Good for the Allies.

Allies bring extensive reinforcement on board.

German turn they lose 75% of repls & supply.

This losing of all supply will force him to do a Tactical move turn! So he will pick up one supply point.

No attacks in the late summer.

The Axis end turn 13 at -5 same as last turn. They in fact pull back to go into a defensive mode as they had their asses hanging out a bit pre positioned for attack. The Poles convert their fortifications to complete. This sets us up to get sticky with the enemy again and hug them close.

While he has a dozen or more impulses to chip away at the score, he is running out of time to capture Sidi Birrani, and begin clocking up 1 VP a turn to get to zero let alone positive territory How many impulses will it take to capture Sidi?

At some point either with supporting supply or without he will be forced attack to get at Sidi. Fastest route is via the South as it is the weakest. I think however if Determined Defense rolls go poorly, he can easily crack the escarpment. It is not as impervious as other games, in fact you are doubled attacking down the road through it. Curious metric which I disagree with.