NORDKAPP S&T magazine game play via vassal.
Quick update. Full multi part AAR to come at some point. While interesting this game is just …I dunno …goofy is a word I want to use.
The CRT, and Terrain and Air and ZOCs concepts are strange. But more on that later. – Please chime in on your thoughts as to where this game is for not your feelings of nostalgia for it. But actual game play as it is trying to present the hypothetical.
My opponent, has played many times over the past decades and is a fan, but perhaps a waning fan.
The final few turns were a bit wild. The Norwegian forces were being whittled away at no small cost to Soviet power. But they [Soviets] have this funky chem weapons attack they can use in any 4 turns that magically doubles all combat factors. Ouch. No way to mitigate that bit of nasty
So as the Norwegians fall back they help the Soviets stretch their supply line and finally we get the chance to dump a unit on a supply line supporting the main thrust. The Soviets are bound by some strict supply rules, and also need the forces up front to fight, not spread out doing rear security.
This cuts supply for all Soviet units, which is much better than the interdiction die roll rule. All Soviets are then 1/3 for CF [ no definition of round up round down found..sigh] and have just 4 mp.
The status at the end of Turn 8 was a capitulation by the Soviets.
Acknowledging with the T8 arrival of the Marines, and ‘light unit’ stacking in one key VP hex that would prevent capture, the game could not be won by the Soviet player. Debatable subject to winter weather, air dice and a my mistakes. But the killer for them was 1/3 firepower means that in two turns they could not get to that VP location to even start the assault.
My take away was this was interesting, but not fun. Another S&T rushed magazine game, that had some cool ideas, that needed refinement and playtesting. Evocative of theme and somewhat ‘historical’ in feel given my past exposure to the potential conflict via Third World War and DNL among a few others.
Grab it cheap and give it a run. Then flip it or pay it forward to another player!
In fact lets do that.
Comment using your name and subscribe and I’ll put you in the draw to win the magazine and game. Free shipping in the USA. $7 anywhere else in Canada or EU.
Until now, I always thought that this game was unrealistic in giving NATO a fighting chance (to put it at its highest). However, having read your report, perhaps that’s not so weird in view of what appears to be emerging about Russian logistics issues in Ukraine. The map was chunderous, but.
Always happy to leave a comment on content that interests me. This, honestly, does not. Please give it to someone else. Love your stuff Kev.
Stay motivated Kevin.
Looking forward to future reviews.
Interesting game.
I’m guilty of focusing exclusively on WW2 games…. Particularly those dealing with the European theater of operation.
Moving forward,, I’ll have to expand my horizons.
Really enjoy your YouTube gaming videos. Keep it up for sure.
I am just getting into more wargaming and so apologies i did not know about your blog – the play through is interesting, is it too easy to cut the soviet supply lines?
I am looking to build my wargame library and dont have any S and T games so i would welcome such an item
Interesting. However, as a 54B in the 90’s, we considered chemical warfare to be a real threat and a serious force multiplier with the potential to degrade combat effectiveness to a great degree.
I’d be interested in giving it a spin.
Just found your blog via YouTube
Lots of reviews to go through now
Really, really hate CRTs like that – but I’d like to see how the rest of the rules look.
I can make a d.load available if you want it
I have the game, but I have never played it. Frankly, the map is just too intense and the pieces look like bad pastel colours from the 80’s (“Peach” anyone?). I am not normally turned off by a game’s look but I make an exception for this one.
Nordkapp, great post… I think I playtested this one in college. Recall we had a lot of fun w it…
Still have but haven’t broke it out in years.
Seeing these old gems makes me weigh playing them vs all the new modern games coming out.
Yes, I remember this from way back when I was a subscriber on and off and eventually lost interested in piling up half-baked magazine games. It may be shallow and not see totality of a games value, but I like maps and can’t get past that small percentage of games have hideous or bizarre maps. No thanks.