Lock n Load Publishing’s newly formatted Lock n’ Load system has been by most accounts a solid success…..or so I thought!?
It has been a run away success!
Did you know that Ring of Hills which was released just a few weeks ago has already sold over 500 copies? GET THE …..WHAT?
Heroes of Normandy is over 500 also! and the Heroes of the Nam is being reprinted shortly to add another 500 to the stock levels.
Their new demo games are flying into download queues and out the door as orders! This was a great idea and an excellent way for folks to try the system without dropping 60-80 on a full title. Very thoughtful idea. I hope to receive a copy of the demo soon to try it out and report back to you.
But…. The biggest surprise of all to me was Heroes of the Pacific.
Guess how many copies have been sold?
Heroes of the Pacific since release has sold over 1,000 copies!
GET OUT…Combine that with the new Demo products they are selling and making available (about to go OOP) and you have the makings of a major resurgence for LNLP.
One of my favorite games from them – Raid and Riposte is being re booted and re imagined, potentially into a new series of games focusing on the Soviet v NATO hypothetical conflict!
One other superb bit of news that if you did some really hard digging on their forums you might be able to glean is……well shoot.
I can’t share that yet but hang tight. A huge announcement for the LNL series is days away..oh and it is not about Heroes of the Motherland which I will shrink rip for you later this week! 
You know the URL go git ya some before they all disappear off the shelf!
Buying a game from them is easy…… Getting them to ship it to you is an entirely different story.