New Features and Content

Hi gang, just a quick note on some Big Board happenings for BigBoarders!

New site for Narrative Content:

Over the next few weeks and months I will be transferring all the narrative content to a site called Substack, many of you may have heard of it. I’ve had the site there for a long time, but the features have been wanting. They are now up to a point where I can work with it. Its free for you, but subscribers will receive content first and also receive exclusive content in the future [I really need to retre so I can do this full time its so much fun!!].

For now its a repository that is just narrative based stories using our military history titles as a way to evoke the images, and ideas and story from my minds eye. I’m finding a lot of pleasure in the writing despite how incredibly ordinary the writing is. I’m also taking some writing classes in my spare time to improve where I can.

I hope you like it.

All the old stories there will be revised, edited and expanded upon to ‘full essays’ or short stories. This site will of course remain a place for first impression, video, AARs and the like.

If you care to subscribe that would be cool you can do so here: https://bigboard.substack.comĀ 

I have a huge backlog of writing to go through, some AARs to finish up, stories to find endings for and reviews that wont write themselves.

More Writers:

In other news two or three games have come forward to offer their services and want to add to Scott’s excellent efforts in doing AARs and other content. So we now have a small stable of writers providing content on an ad-hoc basis as they so desire. If this spurs more bloggers and youtubers then all the better.

Designer Developer Progress Reports and Notes:

One or two designers have also expressed an interest in posting development notes, and designer notes, similar to what Thin Red Line Games has been doing. There are a few conditions to providing that content here but all very reasonable. If you are a designer, game developer, or publisher and wish to have something published here, reach out to me. There is of course no charge and no quid pro quo expected.

Open Invitation:

If you ever have the itch to write about your wargaming hobby by all means drop me an email or submit your article in a word doc to me and I will post it for you. Once you get comfortable with that we can show you the ropes on using word press [ because this blog has more than 14k images on it, image loading is some what tedious exercise, but up loading via WORD appears to circumvent the issue for now.].

New Series:

Mondays I’ll be posting Unorthodox Strategies of Sun Tzu Bing Pha. With an original translation, the Chinese script for the days topic and where possible a historical example. Let me know what you think, and what you think of all the above!

Ok that is it for now. Happy Gaming and #rolldice
