Lets take a look at todays game play of Anvil of Fate the latest module from CSS and @Compass Games.

Scenario 5. CSS from @Compass Games. We chose it as a nice learning scenario. Germans are pressing North to secure a rail line on the right of the image, or capture yellow and green colored vp locations spread around.
Probably not the most balance one to start with but it seemed to work well in our learning game.
Turn 3
Some old concepts and some new concepts. Less pointless TQ checking [except for trenches..WTH] . We use Assault chits, Concentrated fire, modestly different command mechanics and a refined cleaned up rules set with many less counter data points. All for cleaner faster play and quiet possible more representative game play [ only time will tell that]. Cross over players from Devils Cauldron will be pleased with the ease of play, and the addition of support weapons that can be allocated across formations.
Adam has stripped away the needlessly over wrought elements of the GTS system and re invented a new game. This new game [CSS] plays faster, and cleaner at monster scale.
DG’s accumulate to kill a unit, but will the DG’d unit rout away prior to elimination? Routed units return at Divisional HQ and may re enter the game later on.

The Chart layout – this is all you need to play really, is a bit wanting. While the font is reasonable, its tight and crowded. However very serviceable.
Ranged small arms fire, mortars and arty when brought to bear on a target hex can really ruin your day as can those damn air units.
Once an assault counter is placed, its game on for the defender to barrage the daylights out of all the adjacent fighters. Unless of course the wind chit is pulled…clearing everything. Doah..helpful or a major hindrance.
There are some odd things with the Divisional TQ which we need to work out in a larger scenario. As events can force no access to certain formation chit. Or no chits for regiments at all.
All up the is a fast playing monster, with pretty streamlined mechanic, devoid of overwrought elements. If more of these titles surface on interesting topics at the 2-3 map scale I think I’m in!
We are planning on playing the campaign in August. After that I think the 3-4 of us will come to some consensus on the system and its desirability for group play.

I’m def onboard with finding 2 more guys in our group for a 4-player campaign. Aim for sometime in Aug or Sept?