Mines & Men LNLT /1

HEROES OF THE NAM, formerly Forgotten Heroes. LNLT.

This scenario comes from Battle Pack Alpha pack expansion.

A bit of a convoluted scenario with some map edits: all Hill terrain is flat and clear. Bunker markers are extra wooden buildings. The LNL markers are heavy jungle. Note that the new Compendium actually comes with substitute maps 4a and 5a! Nice.! Not sure I have that floating around anywhere.

USMC is tasked with a sweep.

They must clear the wire and capture the 3 buildings in 7 turns.

Wire is a challenge to clear, via 33% to do so on a 1d6. 1 Wire is misplaced in a Heavy Jungle hex. We shall remove that hex of ‘wire’ They are actually ‘bamboo’ obstructions.

The kicker…when a USMC casualty occurs. That unit splits into two and one must be picked up by HELO!!


However both sides may gain points from that exercise. USMC Delta company receives VPs for successful extract and of course VC get points for the helo kill.

Setups below.

Game plan for each being pondered.