Welcome after some really long break.This time I’d like to try something different. I’m going to play turn 1 of the Mind the Gap scenario, step by step, phase by phase, trying to describe all the actions. It won’t be probably as nicely written as Checkpoint Charlie AAR. Instead, I’d like to make it as detailed as possible. So maybe it will help you (and myself as well) to learn how this great system works. I won’t be posting all the stuff at once. I will post some phases first, so feel free to correct me and critique everything that I might do wrong. Rules for this system are quite complex, after all – and they don’t have any “lite” versions, like ASL or Next War. So let’s do it together and make Gap great again!
Please note, this is not “how to win” material, but rather “how to dig into rules” stuff instead. Also, all the rules-related stuff is based upon living rules version published on the TRL site (since I don’t have physical copy of this game and I doubt I will…). I will use italics to mark rulebook quotes and, if needed, I will also quote author’s answers, since there might be some doubts about certain matters.
English is not my first language, so I’m sorry for all possible mistakes and typos.
Pre-game actions:
Turn 0 movement:
Step 1:
“After Setup, Warsaw Pact Player may move any Soviet ground unit up to a maximum of 20 Movement Points”
This means that we move our units freely, as long as we won’t cross enemy borders. But we can move Soviet units only, co DDR units are not allowed to make any moves – that’s the mistake I made when I solo’ed this scenario for the first time. I won’t describe movement actions for this step in details, I will make it in the Movement Phase.
So, let’s assume that Soviets are announcing yet another peace-keeping maneuvers in the DDR. 39 GD and 390 Artillery brigade from 2018 moves at 3418 (4 MP), while 1-4/18 are not moving. 79 GD at 4020 moves at 3118 (10 MP). It is joined by AAA units from 4220 (11 MP). Artillery group from 4620 moves at 3218 (14 MP). 27 G from 4116 moves at 3115 (20 MP) and 57 G from 4117 moves at 3215 (20 MP). Combat Engineers from 4216 move at 3018 – now I have some combat group here with full stack value (1 division and 2 brigades). Electronic warfare battalion from 3819 joins the stack at 3118, making it complete (1 division, 4 battalions).
20 GD at 4617 moves at 3319 (17 MP). 4709 Electronic warfare battalion at 4709 moves at 3719 (18 MP). 20 GD at 5020 moves at 3719 as well, along with it’s flak unit (16 MP). 9 D (with artillery) at 5016 moves at 3920 where it is joined by electronic warfare battalion from 5218 (15 MP). Soviet stack at 5218 moves at 4020 (14 MP), save to the SSM unit which remains at 5218. This concludes Soviet ground movement in the turn 0.
Step 2:
“After Setup, Warsaw Pact Player may move any Soviet helicopter squadron up to its maximum movement allowance. Helicopter squadrons may execute Transport missions with Soviet units as passengers.”
WP player makes no actions here.
Step 3:
“After Warsaw Pact Player has completed his Turn 0 Movement, NATO Player may move US, British, West German or Canadian Ground Units up to a maximum of 10 Movement Point”
NATO seems to be not quite sure about peaceful intentions of the WP movements, since they’re way too close to the border. NATO player moves 1/3A from 2221 onto 2619 (4 MP), it is joined by 3/3A from 2220 (5 MP). US stack from 2220 moves at 2420 (2 MP). 2/3A at 2423 moves at 2822 (10 MP). Electronic warfare battalion from 214 moves at 2619 (6 MP). German 35/12 from 2824 moves at 2922 (4 MP). German 2626 stack moves at 2823 (10 MP). This concludes NATO step.
Step 4:
“After Warsaw Pact Player has completed his Turn 0 Movement, NATO Player may move any US, British, West German or Canadian helicopters squadrons up to its maximum movement allowance. Helicopter squadrons may execute Transport missions with US, British, West German or Canadian units as passengers.”
NATO player makes no actions here.
So, this concludes turn 0 actions. We’re can start turn 1.
1) Mobilization phase – N/A
2) Unrest/Revolt phase – N/A
3) Weather phase
Scenario starts at July 24, so if we’ll roll 0-3, then the weather will be bad. Roll is 8, so weather is fine.
4) External Events phase
It is turn 1, so we have to resolve steps for the turn 1 in the North Atlantic Battle chart.
Step 1: Soviet Fleet in North See – no effects
Step 2: Request Forces Norway (WP player) – decision is „No”, so there is -1 DRM and WP player cannot use reinforcements marked as „NO”.
Step 3: Request UK no 1 group (NATO player) – decision is „Neutral”, so nothing happens.
Step 4: Request US 3rd AF (NATO player) – decision is „Yes”, so it’s -1 DRM and NATO reinforcements marked as GA will arrive one turn earlier.
Step 5: Battle of GIUK Gap – we have -2 DRMs from player’s decision, so the roll is made. It’s 10-2=8. Soviet fleet forces GIUK GAP with moderate loses. Tally ho for Red Navy! NATO reinforcements marked as GA will arrive one turn later.
5) WMD Release Phase
Both players may ask for release of Weapons of Mass Destruction. According to the special scenario rules: „Neither side has obtained the release of Chemical or Nuclear weapons. Both sides may request release starting from Game Turn 1”. WP player decides to ask for Chemical Weapons release to make some really nasty gifts for capitalists. Also, nukes can be useful as well…
Because of that, WP player makes a roll in the WP WMD release table. Roll is 12, so chemical weapons are released and WP player is allowed to use them. But it has some consequences. Because of this action, NATO player will be allowed to make a roll for his chemical weapons and possibility of nuclear weapons release in the next turn. It’s going to be very dirty war…
Next, WP player rolls for Nuclear Weapons release. Roll is 7, that was close – but it’s enough to have WP nukes released and to unleash the hell on earth.
6) SSM Attack Phase
So, WP can use their chemical stuff. Our peace-loving Soviets have two SSM units on the board – one at 4616 and second at 5218 and each of them is allowed to fire once per turn. We can use them now or wait for the Movement Phase. But we’re in hurry of bringing joys of communism all over the world, so let’s fire these chemical fireworks. 11 SMD at 5218 is about to fire first. We have 50 hexes of effective range and our target is in the 29 hexes range from SSM brigade unit. Our target is 2420 hex, with three US flak units, one EW unit and one artillery unit. This hex is marked with „SSM Chem” marker and during WP movement phase these units will have to roll – if they will get 1-10 result, they will be disabled.
We’re going to launch the second load of chemical joys now. It’s 432 SMD at 4616 which is about to fire next. This time our target is US Hahn airfield at 1324 (Airfield no 127) – 33 hexes range. We’re marking this with „SSM Chem” marker as well. Just like ground units, air units on the attacked airfield will have to make rolls and if they’ll get 1-10 in this turn, they will be grounded. This concludes SSM Attack Phase.