From World at War ’85, Scenario 8:
The 3/213th [note not 213rd..;)] is tasked with holding the bridge townships against the 2/68th MRR:
“No press home the advantage, we cant wait for smoke, arty prep fires and a full frontal assault here commander, just drive to Kessel! You have a job to do for the Rodina! I’ve given you two of our remaining T-62 platoons, arty will be online once you close on the bridges and we are jamming all communications. There really cant be much but remnants to worry about. Now GO!!” Across the Majors shoulder a sneering and anticipatory glare from the Political Officer watched for signs of dissent from the two surviving Company Commanders of the 2/68th.
The Regimental Commander looked at his men one more time, glanced at his Political Officer then turned to begin giving orders to other formations and units already in the field, they were out of his mind already.
The weary company commanders saluted, about faced without a word. Once outside the command vehicle, they glanced nervously at each other, their expressions conveyed the unsaid story. They knew that if anything the Germans would fight even harder than the Americans. This was their home. So far they had sustained horrid losses, and both of them worried how they would close with out losing a 1/3 of their men yet again. The war was still young, just days old and already reserves were filling the ranks of the lost.
4 of the six companies headed out quickly from the township and moved west to the lee of the hillside. The southernmost township straddled the top of the hill, and led towards a small river, there would be no cover for the thin skinned BMP’s and they were too close to fire ATGM’s if the discovered enemy AFV’s. Meanwhile one commander scouted to the north with a platoon of T-62’s feinting and searching for the enemy.
“Contact, Village 500m, soldiers.” In came the report the moment Russians crossed the ridge line. Commander Rosilov of Company 5 quickly ordered half his men to unload and cover the distance to the woods and village on foot while he tried once more to obtain some sort smoke or arty support. This was one of his first mistakes for the day.
Like a dire hand from God slapping at his stupidity the distinctive swooshing roar of 155mm projectiles gave his men little warning, as they scattered the Artillery Delivered Mines deployed….

Vehicles bucked and men were torn asunder. Caught in the open they pressed home as best they could before going to ground. From the nearby woods a group of Marder’s poked it s nose over the ridge line and fought toe to toe, using their 20mm cannons and 7.62mm machineguns to wiped out a platoon of his BMP’s just as they were unloading.
Quick reactions reciprocated taking out the cheeky units. Captain Rosilov, decided to go around the mines, and get into enfilade positions to attack the township.
Uncomfortably the intel from HQ was proving wrong, … again… and he had lost contact with Captain Zuilkov’ 2 platoons and the tanks. There was nothing to do now other than press home the attack, other than the BMP’s his men were wary but effective. He led them into the village and down the hill. They were running out of time. Soon the armor would arrive and require safe passage. The assault went in. Sharp house ot hose street by street fighting. His men raged on, grenades, gunfire and 20mm cannon tore apart targets. Anything that moved died. They swept through village quickly, depsite the fierce resistance. The germans were retreating!
To the North the other commander; Zuilkov’s BMP’s were a black smoking stain against the sky and 1 T-62 was a shattered hulk. The remaining two and one platoon used the cover to fire back at the last target township to cover Rosilov’s advance.
Finally some arty was freed up and 120mm HE poured onto the woods near the 3 way intersection of rivers. Then woods cam the roar of a 120mm cannon. rapid shots in quick succession destroyed 2 loaded BMP’s! They had Leo 2’s? What the hell else could go wrong thought Rosilov!!
The two platoons of Company 5 pressed ahead fighting over the open but undulating ground, never giving the retreating Germans a chance to organize a solid defense. Their overwatch bounding attacks finished off the enemy before they could seek sancturary in the next village. Rosilov, ordered a few BMP’s to sneak slowly and quietly through narrow lanes of the village and try and get at the Leo’s. His two platoons of men would be caught in a cross fire if he could not neutralize them somehow.
The Leos took some hits! Tehy turned their attention to the threat. This gave the Russians a chance to rush the town. As they approached more ADM arty rained down on them. Yet, this is where Rosilov’s luck changed for teh better! The reeling Germans arty targing was not great. Hie men managed to get through the storm of metal rain with limited casualties. They reached the objective and took stock. 3 BMP’s and two platoons of men is rough shape. But they held the valuable intersection. Now they just need to hold off any counter attack!
That counter attack was not long in coming. Marder 20 mm fire hammered his isolated men, and machines. Then Infantry rushed at 5th Companies position. Bitter hand to hand fighting ensued. When the dust settled the zealous Germans had lost and remnants retreated back to the woods.
Rosilov arrived in his command vehicle, and congratulated his men as htey secured the perimeter and cleared debris for the tanks that were due any minute. Maybe now they could recover a little.
“Hey Captain Rosilov, I have Major Fukulov on the horn…he says has a mission for you”…..
Got this one going right now. The EW chit is just SCREWING the Sovs.
Thanks, your AAR has moved me closer to getting this.