I know the happily OCD among you have probably had Memorial Day plans for several weeks now.
So, what is everyone doing?
Are you attending a special event? If so what?
Memorial Day for International readers:
“Memorial Day, as Decoration Day gradually came to be known, originally honored only those lost while fighting in the Civil War. But during World War I the United States found itself embroiled in another major conflict, and the holiday evolved to commemorate American military personnel who died in all wars, including World War II, The Vietnam War, The Korean War and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
For decades, Memorial Day continued to be observed on May 30, the date General Logan had selected for the first Decoration Day. But in 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May in order to create a three-day weekend for federal employees. The change went into effect in 1971. The same law also declared Memorial Day a federal holiday “
Are you taking a moment of silence at 1500 local?
Just grilling N’ Chilling?
Is anyone aware of any publishers who may be offering sales for our hobby?
What about books on sale this weekend? I have not really looked yet.
Are you : #rolldice – is so what dice for which game?
Do you have a game you choose for Memorial Day every year or is it “whatever” grabs your fancy?
Are you gathering with friends to play face to face, do a multi player?
My tentative plans are:
Saturday we host a friends families daughter who just graduated from College on the west coast. She is bringing a bunch of her Cali based friends who have never been to the Great State of Texas before here for a graduation party. So burgers, brews and a bunch of beautiful young ladies in swim suits…what could go wrong? That’s 5pm thru 11pm Saturday…no film no live stream sorry!
The rest of the time I should be playing :
Zero Leader. The Pearl Habour Campaign Do you have an interest in seeing that live? Its been a long times since I played Phantom Ldr, so I’m really re learning this solo system. – Plus you all know how awkward I am with non hex and counter games!
While I am excited about the prospects of ZL, I’m heavily eyeing the board underneath the picture frame holding Hanau. Which for sure needs a replay, after my disastrously poor tactical choices.
Of course our real estate agent wants to try and show the house this weekend. I’ve mostly managed to cancel any of that action until next week I hope.
Tonight I shall be online with Jeff from Hex2Hex ..[EDIT he has called in sick! NO!] // OK plan B.
Readers Choices:
- WAW 85
- SPI Kharkov
- DDAY from Tiny Battles
Pop a note in a comments if you have a care for any of these! I’ll try to do some live play of some or all of it as I fumble thru rules over the weekend and tonight.
The livestream [would have had] will have much better resolution going forward as I finally [after a year or more] trouble shot my OBS install. It was a dual monitor, dual video card contention issue. So full resolution Vassal and Table Top is now an option!
The rest of the weekend looks like I shall be alternating from poolside to dice table and a few honey do’s. Monday is a holiday but I think I have too much work to do, so it may well be a catch up day for end of month reports and what not.
Be safe out there.
Honor those who gave all.
And #rolldice.
Couple of Hebrew Nation franks on the barby and quiet LNL Heroes of the Pacific for me. I’d love to see more WaW “85 Kevin.
Beach walks during an ultra low tide. Milling around town with guests. Maybe Cribbage or Ticket to Ride. Then a big group hike on Memorial Day to a mountain lake. I’ll settle for still photos of your pool party.