MBT Brits have a meeting engagement! – Initial Strike

The battle ended up being a real nail biter.

Both sides felt like they were losing or about to lose from turn to turn. It’s a classic meeting engagement with the only challenge being I brought wrong bloody map, so the town at the south edge is not really there. Regardless we powered on and turned it into a bit of a city fight!

The scenario was called – Initial Strike [ with wrong map ]

Soviets setup up first. With a basic plan of:

–Pushing elements vs 40th MTR.

Soviet tanks [21.31] and 2 attached recon units rush bridges.

4x T62 [1 platoon] move center to cover bridges and support elements headed to the November -22 [town]

NATO 4th Armoured Brigade

BAOR: WO1 Warrant Officer 1st Class. /KING . OC: Captain Evans. Lt Young. Sarge Harris

Brit Plan – Take and hold Nov 22. Then move 1x Troop to center [Q4] to deny control and ..yeah kill shit.

Note we added leaders to the NATO side to add a bit of narrative flair, it did not unreasonable unbalance the scenario.

Turn 1

Both sides move no fire in opening turn.


Young fires his CMKII , strike a deadly blow missing ERA blocks and KO [Knock Out] a T-62.

The Spartan unit in Delta -9 fires at the BRDM in woods at the bridge, using MILAN 115mm platform and shears it in two – BU Brew Up].


Soviets are slow to adjust to the overweight push by Brits.

NATO INIT the spot units in N-22- Inf [ advanced spotting rules] GP fire Sarge Harris and two tanks fire…. Suppression. Youngs tank kill a BTR in the village.

Overwatch fire – Allen moves as the shot comes in, and avoids a hit.



Soviets move first.

NATO moves forces into Nov-22

BAOR fire and knock out a BRDM-2.

Turn 5

Harris pops another BTR.

Allen and two squads fire getting a suppression and an effective result reducing one squad.


NATO Init.

Fire and reduce 2nd squad in N-22 and suppress.

CH MKII shoots and hits T-62 in light woods. Hits the ERA blocks! The blocks thwart the kill shot. No PEN.

Soviets employ their overwatch and miss the CH MKII lurking in the woods.

Turn 7


They move first. Then Soviets

Brits shoot at T-62, in tough terrain. Using APSDS KE pen rate 101. It hits HF. ERA = good. 53 x 1.5 is 83 defense. DMG.

O/W: hesh shots at T-62 x2 miss and a No effect!!

Another Overwatch shot! – BU!!

O/W soviet: BRDM ATGM 71!! Misses – damn terrain in village.

Turn 8



N-22 T-62s fire @ harris x2 HIT, PEN… BU.

RPG-22 @ Young hits. Variable. 80 vs 79!!!! On PEN table.

BRDM. Hits – pens – splash – KILLS YOUNG!!


T-62 killed.

Turn 9



Brits fire, but miss rattled by losses.

Soviets knock out 2nd tank. Near rive.

Troops get suppressed by the kill shot. Another Birt tanks drops.

Total mayhem… during Turn 10.

The appearance of 3x T-62’s was a bit of a surprise to everyone. They however have a hard time pegging the British Infantry in Full Cover.

At this range in terrain the variable Pen factors start to make an impact unless it’s a clean shot. Very interesting and very deadly.

Turn 10



Gustav takes out T-62 BU. This drops CP [command points to ten for SOV. Command Vehicle BU.

Suppress units break on morale check. Units now hesitate.

½ squad fires GUSTAV. Variable adds plus 12 – BU!!! WOW.

Chieftain pops a BTR.

Leaving 2 T-62s and 2ATGM units 3 AFVs…. And 3 sq.

Soviet fire score a track/wheel hit on far left flank.

BAOR capture 4th Bridge.

Soviets retreat and concede.

We can see top right image – dead units by faction.