MAoW_3 The Battle of Paraetacene 317 B.C.


The Battle of Paraetacene 317 B.C.

Eumenes can see his momentum has faded. The left of his line is collapsing, his opportunity on the right is being stymied by ferocious effort on the right. His center cannot effectively engage as it wil be exposed to Antigonus’ cavalry attack.

Its almost over unless the Hoplites break quickly!

Seeing the battle move in his favor, Antigonus moves conservatively to rally men, and recover and correct his lines. While pressing his cavalry harder and further!

He rallies shattered units, and holds the line.

The double Hoplite units hold, just barely.

Then just like that crack!! The Center begins to collapse, and the cavalry have done their job, the Macedonian phalanxes begin their advance and the Eumenid forces yield the field! An epic nip and tuck battle despite the score card.