Malaya Campaign Start & Battle Cycle #1

Prior to allocating command points in Pacific War we need to roll for weather. 0-7 its clear. We earn clear weather. Then allocate command points.

There are 41 command points for sure not enough to activate all units as we 48 activation pts worth of units. I elect to NOT activate 2 of the Amphibs and units associated with them. Saving them for January. All the rest of the forces are activated. The Allies have just 10.

The Task Forces begin movement in the Contact Move Phase.

This involves the Advantage player moving as far as he desires until such time that the enemy can detect him, within the bounds of the rules for surprise ambush etc. So in this case the TF’s will get to all consolidate without too much interference.

Each TF moves a hex and we slide the Naval track marker along, adjusting days past when we hit a greyed out box.

In order to move the fleets into position it takes 5 days. The Allies cannot stop them unless they can spot a TF. They finally do up near Saigon.

Elapsed days.

The Armour and other ground units now move. Heading across the peninsula using 6MPS.

Battle Cycle #1

Air strikes head out. Looking to hit army units on the defense at various locations and where possible strafe enemy air.


Khota Baru takes a beating. The Infantry there break.

Other air strikes go in strafing the search LRA airunits and attempting to ground strike the 8th Indian. The combined AA/Flak is pretty devastaing. They knock out 2 steps.

28th Indian wont go down!

We launch an Amphib attack into Baru

It’s a tight fight but the Japanese prevail.

They put four total steps of damage on.

This clears the hex and due to the fact that they have an engineer unit with them they may place a small base immediately. This will allow our shorter range air to hit Singapore as needed.