
Lessons in humility, Smolensk /2

There is nothing like a good solid OCS game played solo to bring the harsh reality of your ineptness with so many things all at once to the fore.


In a mere few hours, as I meandered thru turn 1 confident that my half baked idea on how to crack these three minor cities [which I now call the Dvina Triple Axis of Evil] would pan out perfectly, IF my hipshoots went flawlessly, if my estimated moves were right, if I could clear certain Soviet units so that other divisions could pass thru sans combat [and with supply intact] , if my ‘reach- throw’ to and from HQ’s was “just” right we would encircle, and take these towns…..RIGHT. Let us look North to South on the image above.

20 Pzr, probably should of attacked but the odds and dice scared me off.

At Vitebsk, I went south and attempted to get ‘behind the city’, but nearly put my self out of supply, when for once a frontal assault would have been best with 20th Mtr. The Soviet 14th AT Division should of been toast…but of course that ONE Hipshoot did not work.

I then proceed to use 29th Mtr, and 17th Pzr, to get them to overrun a few dudes, and ignore some others…. I thought ‘we will just attrit that 6th division on the RAIL LINE…..IDIOT.

So I had to use SP to eat of the map from the wagons in 12.22. Turn 1 aint over and this is my best shot?


But we adjusted plans, moved 4th Pzr to the river line and we will deploy a [special rule ] Bridge, assuming the Russkies dont pop units in the way. At least down at the Drut river we cleared those enemies out of the way and brought the 1Cav and SS:R up. but 10th and 3rd are hopelessly mish mashed and failed to get much done really. Sigh…


At Start positions [roughly]

Smolensk,OCS,MMP Smolensk,OCS,MMP

If I had the gumption I’d reset and try again, But I think we will soldier on. Somehow I have SP arriving at the edge of the map, but no way to transport it. Which is a current open question, Trucks arrive but not for another turn or so, and the rail is not converted.

What a beat down.

Dang I love this game.