Closing thoughts.
The Tactical Combat Series (TCS) is an unforgiving system from the perspective of long view in a campaign game. The tendency is in a game at this scale at least for me is to “get in there” and start fighting as the clock is ticking. I did however enjoy Leros, the rules work, the system works, the counter art and maps are stunning. It is about my favorite so far in the series. Especially as a straight up foot soldier battle.
Well once again from my TCS play here we see a 2-3 day conflict that was ‘rushed’. Both sides took chances, inflicted losses and paid the piper for overly aggressive tactics. Especially the Germans in the North.
The overall plan for the Germans was weak. Too little force was applied to the North. In reality the forces tasked with capturing the center of the Island should have all headed North. By breaking the back of the English (Buffs) the Germans could then choose locations for asset delivery and combine forces to assault the center on day 2 or 3.
There was some chat about players sitting back and pounding with air as the Germans…. I now see why. The Brits need softening up and air is your only recourse until the Arty and IG’s arrive.
You can attack in broad day light as the Germans and be mauled or conduct sorties for a full day and hopefully sneak into position as daylight wanes.
The historical defense leaves Portolago way too open. Here the Germans fought hard and won a fair fight. They had nearly 2 battalions assigned to overwhelm the UK troops. Captured at long last:
Playing by Poll.
This needs refinement and more consistency from me. I think the turn cycles got too far apart and we lost quiet a few voters once the turns started to go beyond one a week…. my bad. Also as we are assigning Op sheets that can run for quiet a while I need to be more proactive with updates and play reports.
The Pandeli Bay invasion was a mess. Heavy losses, little gain and the Germans elected to fail off the Op Sheet and regroup. This is one area where we went in too hard too early.

I did have positive feedback that the play style and approach was one of kind and also first of its kind. Thats cool. Glad you guys like it. I will be doing another Play by Pollster game with a Gamers title. This time Napoleonics.
A little more refined, a little simpler and hopefully more interactive. I’d encourage those that want to participate to either subscribe here or check in on Facebook on the Gamers Community page for polls and updates.

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