It Never Snows Turn 3

Opening Situation.

Full bore arty on the units in towns.

The Paras establish a ferry, and move for companies across. As well as DG’ing and reducing the SS forces at Son.

The Bridge does not blow!

The Airborne are across the Bridge.

All units in Eindhoven are OOS. The forces in Valkenswaard hold for another turn.!

One of the cool things about being me…is that I can overlook the obvious. Its not a well known trait, but it’s a gooder!

The Germans do indeed receive armour and exploit capable units on Turn 3. These fellas can motor right into the gap between the Brits and Airborne. So I should have sought to slow or prevent that.

Now there is a good chance that these boys 107th Pzr will be the deciding factor. Can the Guard run roughshod over them AND get across the Son bridge by the end of turn 6. It just became a very close game.

The Combats and arty are going to have to go Allied all the way. We will need our arty….that I have lazing about in the rear… and we need big die rolls for air!

Well I can already see a viable action for the Germans even with out the turn 4 reinforcements that come in from L after the 107th.

So its likely game over. Lets see. They just need to pepper the channel between polder with road bumps. Hmm.