We fire up Holland ’44 the current new best shiny thing in the Simonitch universe. Folks will need to peruse the rules thoughtfully. While concepts are the same or similar the execution of little things is a tad different. So double check when you play [Bridge Crossings, air, some special units etc]. That said by turn 2 you are sailing along just fine. The game plays out at a similar scale to Ardennes ’44, with Brigades, Battalions and a few companies. The time scale breaks down to 3 turns a per day. Night turns are a bit more active than in A’44.
Lets look at the play thru and see if we had any fun! I will say that I felt less like a punching bag in this title than in A’44!
At start positions:
The scatter rolls for paratrooper landings were a bit harsh for Steve, but he was a good sport! :
2 stacks scatter.
And another two…
Two more…
But we did make a mistake which we rectified as its 1 unit not all units in the stack that are marked scattered and affected as such.
In Grave, the Nazi war machine kicks into high gear. Rejecting two vicious assaults!
The Allies
Well, bugger things are going well for the Allies! Capturing bridges, if at a cost. They are poised to enter Arnhem in Turn 2 also.
Rule limits on German movement in Turn 1 mean that the Brits are a lock on entering Arnhem in some strength. We found this to be a small downside to historical play, as the Brits once entrenched, or ensconced in Arnhem are not possible to dig out.
Future Parts:
Part END: https://wp.me/p3euWn-75VHEo
Part 5 : https://wp.me/p3euWn-75VHE8
Part 4: https://wp.me/p3euWn-75VHE8
Part 3 : https://wp.me/p3euWn-75VHDP
Part 2: https://wp.me/p3euWn-75VHDE
Part 1: https://wp.me/p3euWn-75VHDx
I am a huge fan of all things Arnhem…I looked closely at this one but hesitated (I’m very careful about adding to my substantial collection at this point) but it looks really nice and your play through is really interesting!
Its worth a look. Read the series then take a look at my Ardennes 44 report somewhere here, which talks about the overall system that I generally call the ZOC-Bond system.