This game is a strategic level title, aimed at recreating the Eastern Front in toto.
Different commands are bought to allow ‘fronts’ to be activated. Each command costs a certain number of Command Points (CP’s). CPs are rolled for on a table each turn for nest turns purchases that you purchase in the current turn, i.e. a turn ahead. Victory is attained by accumulating VP’s by the Axis side which are typically cities or towns.
Turn 1
Guderian confers +1 DRM in combats, and Stukas add a column shift.
The initial breakthru is fair but not spectacular. The forces of AGC loop North to block supply for AGN targets.
A Soviet Hold means movement forward or up and down the
The Soviets in the early stages can be forced to Counter Attack, on a special CRT. This never ends well. In the SW the Russkies hold and counter attack, Hold in the West and withdraw in the North.
Germans close on Odessa above, but lack the forces to really create a knock out punch, the 4th Romanians move to encircle.
Giderians attacks take him North capturing Kovno. Whereas Kliests forces head towards Kiev.
By the end of Turn two German forces are pressing deep, but not at the pace I might have thought.