Historical Orders:
Brits attack:
Task Force Mercedes
Regimiento de Infanteria 12
North to South
Company A and attached elements place the 120 mm mortar at Burntside Hill. As it represents the only high ground and it is reverse sloped. The rest of Company A and attached units are on the track that intersects Burntside House, Low Pass and Burntside Hill. This will allow a speedy retreat to Darwin Hill and or Settlement. Hoping that the trenches there will provide some benefit to the defence.
As soon as the two Reserve elements can be released they move to Darwin Hill also, or gear up for a counter attack? Given the low quality of the units and the Prep numbers we may not accrue enough turns on an opsheet!
The only hope for the Argies is to slow down the Paras at the hill and stave off collapse on Goose Green. As the elements there are even worse as far as their morale goes. Fuerza Aerea Argentina and Artilleria 601 B compania have morale of 7!
Darwin Hill also has some tricky terrain that in the night or early morning may slow down the Para force enough to get them into some trouble and force some losses.
Company A will fall back on the Dairy then Goose Green from Darwin Hill.
Argentine assessment & plan
2nd Battalion, The Parachute Regiment.
Company A entering in Zone B will send 1-A-2 to Burntside House. The rest will press down the coastline to Darwin Settlement and secure the Bridge & Township then regroup and fall on Goose Green after synching with Co D & B.
Company B & Patrols [TAC1] will surge on Burntside Hill seeking to clear all enemy and proceed through to clear the way for Co D.
D will bypass any major engagement in the dark and head for Darwin Hill to secure the heights. Patrols will divert to Boca Hill and clear it. Then link up with A & D and press onto Goose Green before Dark [4pm]. Company D will attack the Airfield, then link with Co A & B &Tac1 & Patrols to co-ordinate the attack on Goose Green.
Kev, it looks like you are applying what you have learned in the Ranger game to this one, LOL. Great graphics!
hey buddy! thank you!