From GMT, the one big thing I note is no word on the 2016 Fall sale….? Are we moving to a post sale world at GMT?
I thought the point of P500’ing all these games I dont need was to earn a 50% discount I games I thought I did not need?
Sad to see BAOR being pushed so far out. I will be ordering the Op Dauntless / Red winter Mounted map board dual sided offer! SWEET.
On April 25, we’ll ship the Genesis Mounted Map and Manoeuvre: Distant Lands. We just got these in the warehouse, but won’t ship them until next week, as the warehouse is currently reconfigured for our Spring GMT Weekend at the Warehouse.
The next items to ship will be Time of Crisis and Next War Supplement #1, which should begin shipping roughly May 25th.
Our next P500 charge will be around the 10th of May, for Time of Crisis and Next War Supplement #1.
Tentative Production Schedule
Here’s our most current Tentative Production Schedule from Tony and Mark.
Games with a ** following their entry are currently at the printer (we’re a little more certain about scheduling on these).
Shipped April 6-16
April 25, 2017
Genesis Mounted Map
Manoeuvre: Distant Lands
Late May, 2017
Next War Supplement #1 **
Time of Crisis**
June, 2017
1960: The Making of the President (GMT Edition) **
Colonial Twilight **
Illusions of Glory **
July, 2017
American Revolution Tri Pack
Brandywine Reprint
Space Empires 4X Third Printing
Talon Reprint
Unconditional Surrender 2nd Printing **
Unconditional Surrender Mounted Map Set **
August, 2017
Arquebus: Men of Iron Volume 4
Enemy Coast Ahead: The Doolittle Raid
Fields of Fire (2nd Edition) **
Holland ’44
Wild Blue Yonder
September, 2017
Here I Stand 500th Anniversary Edition
Next War: Poland
No Retreat 3: France & Poland
Space Empires: Replicators
4Q, 2017
At Any Cost
BAOR: MBT Expansion
Commands & Colors: Medieval
FRG: MBT Expansion
Hitler’s Reich
Imperial Struggle
Invierno Cubano
Skies Above the Reich
The Dark Sands
Welcome to Centerville
Yep I’ve notice that as well, they have said anything about the yearly sale since February.
those gmt sales are hated by retailers who get undercut.
If we didnt support P500’s game would not be made. No games. No retail sales.
Its a reward for loyal buyers paying a modest premium @P500 rather than waiting and buying for less than P500 price at high volume wholesalers.