GMT sale next week.

GMTs sale is early this year. that warehouse must be busting at the seams.
How to know what to buy?
My 2 cents.

for 50% off and limited opportunity for reprint MBT FRG is a great grab. Cool maps, great kit, really good scenarios. A long time before a reprint happens there.

Into the Woods will take along time to get to pre order on a 2nd run. If GBACW is your thing go for it.

Plum Island will for sure get a 2nd run, but why not get it cheap! There is an expansion coming too.  

LHY will get reprints fairly quickly. I’d like the mission pack but tis for all three modules I think, or maybe just 1 &2. I’m considering selling that off anyway. 

IF you love GBOH or want to love GBOH – Cataphract will be a LONG time coming for another print run most likely. Which would mean you should look also at Alexander and Caesar both on sale.

The US civil War will get reprinted all Simonitch games usually do as will T&T. 

The Next War series…Poland for $45! Vietnam too. A BUTT load of good game play there. 

Same for discounts on Panzer and MBT.

All the rest its ‘should I grab a copy and try it for half off?’ time. Its a big sale. Have fun #rolldice



One thought on “GMT sale next week.

  1. I think if you like grand operational Pacfic WWII, it would be a good time to grab Conquest and Consequence.

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