GCACW Ewell on the Move


June 22nd

Figure 1 See prep videos 1 through 3 for introduction


Early moves South of Lime Kilns while Johnson rolls down the narrow road along Elks Ridge near Barlow Mill. [5MP/ FAT1]

[Not pictured]  A-Jenkins Cav moves to Green Castle they do not have enough force to raise a levy but do secure the township and Lees Northern Flank.

Ewells men continue their march along the ridge line and seek to come at the Union forces from the North, ending their movement to assess the fort built at the Naval Battery on the shores of the Potomac at Harpers Ferry. [Now FAT2/5MP]

Ewell dispatches his planned attack orders and readies his men to assault the Unions forces on this side of the river junction. It is a problematic attack with the enemy well dug in [Fort x3 defense] They launch their attack and Johnsons men enter the fray. [Flank +1 and Assault +1/Def receives a +2 [[Mountain]]. Rebels roll 6+2 vs 2+2 = a net 4 RESULT 1DR/1fa]. [Note edit, I forgot the Ldr DRMS ! Which would have added +3 !]

After short sharp fight, the Union force is displaced, and they retreat across the bridge and through Harpers Ferry to Col Washington house to regroup. The rest of the Union forces still retain control of the imposing Bolivar Heights and the junction of the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers.

After taking 20% losses due to the overwhelming force of the assault the men are demoralized and weary. [1 step losses of 5, 1 FAT and -1 Demoralized marker].

Ewell well satisfied with his men’s effort, secures the site and ends action for the day. You may note that