While on vacation recently the Muse was engaged. Yeah!
This one:

Considerations post game to discuss:
Who are you and does this map to the unit scale/formation size/game scale?
Decision Space
What decisions will you make and what challenges
What information is available on map, in hand etc
Player Objectives
How do you win?
Orders of Battle
Conflict Resolution
CRT/Modes of combat and turn sequence
How much detail and what impact?
Historical Narrative
How scripted is the game? How much story is invoked? Can you Identify with role played?
Play Time
Replay value
And finally –
Components; Rules consumption, maps, counters, physical elements.
Being a somewhat unstructured chap the challenge is real. So we shall use the following approach for now. Please chime in and share your reactions!
In each write up going forward the intent is to provide you with some comment on each aspect listed above. The aspect, for instance of OOB will be bolded and thoughts expressed around the item. There will be no rating 3/5 for OOB etc. It is assumed that if you are here and reading you want to see the game, see it played, explore strategy and tactics and ultimately like an adult use your own judgment and not be swayed by a 8/10.
Too often we lean on sparse data or dumbed down rating system to judge a game.
There are no reviews here. Just experiences both good and bad.
The first write ups will be Liberty Roads, Red Army and WaW – Destruction of Army Group Center. Video based comments will when possible also follow this mode.
I hope this makes the site a little more valuable to you.
I like it Kev!
Love the hair!
I don’t recall if you accept or are interested in reviews from 3rd parties such as (one your few) readers?
If youbhave a review I’ll look at if for sure. Several people post here occasionally!
Kev, the “Anonymous” post above is me, Mike Willner, from FB and BGG. I’ll give a review a shot. Any games of particular interest?
Hi Mike! I’d LOVE to have you share a post that would be awesome. Your choice. It would be a privilege to have you share.
Dude, I’ve always enjoyed the content you provide, regardless of its form. Keep up the excellent work, brother!
Yoo. Its Hilary! Sup mate.