Feb-March 1941 North Africa

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Feb 41

Admin Inactive turn.

Aussie 6th leaves… I guess I should have looked ahead at those withdrawals!!

We lose the very units that were to take and hold Tobruk. Thankfully the ever faithful Indians are near by.

However given the supply situation we will now not take Tobruk prior to Rommel’s arrival. Or if we do we will not be very heavily fortified.

I’m tempted to bug out of Tobruk and let him have it…. But retreat….ick.

Supply rolls remove the 31st Libyan and 32nd Regiment of Italians and this might be our lucky part of the turn. As it opens a gap for us to squeeze throuh.

I also suspect we played the air wrong. I’m going to go back over what log files that I can and see if we did. If so I’m going to allow the Germans a few activations with the same rules then bring it up to keep it fair. Or we can fast forward to a ‘race to the wire’ scenario situation that runs through the campaign to even up things.

March 1941

The Axis forces land and use Admin movement in March to race across the dessert and close on Tobruk.

So I get one more shot at clearing the defences and investing myself with what ever I can scrape together. With a Limited move/activation I drop a unit into Tobruk in the exploit. He rolled in via Bardia.

Thankfully the Axis appear to then squander a Limited activation and don’t attack as they close on the Allied forces there. After their admin I used a Limited to take Tobruk. Pick up the 4 Supply units and now we need to get one more Ltd doing so we can transfer units in and move the Indians to do the big job of holding here. Only problem is that we need to press more units stuck in Alexandria up quickly. That would require a full activation or an admin activation. I have to jam stuff into Tobruk now even if it means leaving not much at all to cover the road to Sollum. I’m betting on cautious play and a unfamiliarity with the activation rules on the offense to slow things down a bit. Plus he is typically a bit more of a cautious player than I am.