15th Panzer is setup in a hypothetical so we can walk through combat and a few bits and pieces.
They are positioned to attack some of 4th Armoured Divisional assets.
As a hypothetical we will run the same combat a few ways where possible and assess.
15th Pzr rolls up 5 Action Points [AP]. So 5 stacks can be activated for movement and combat.
We activate 1 of 1 stacking point tank companies and a HQ [ Which I though separate in the below image will stay with one group]
So the HQ & 1 companies 1 recon and 1 panzer element move adjacent to the 12th Lancers Humbers.
The rest of the stack continue moving and end up adjacent to another set of Brits and end their movement.
We place a move complete marker.
Now the Germans spend another AP to execute a combat against 12L [ note I might not normally have done that as there are limited AP’s]
Combat works something like this:
We would place a declared combat Impulse chit [not shown] . Then immediately go to AT fire segment. Of which the first thing is ‘First fire step’ meaning units the meet a set of criteria can fire first.
None do in this first step. So we move to the simultaneous fire step. Both sides add up fire factors and generate odds. 12L target the 1/33rd scout. While the Germans combine all fire power into a shot.
Each side rolls. Adjusting columns as needed for terrain and veterancy or proficiency.
The Lancers rolls an 8 @2:1 This results in a ‘light’ column result.
The Germans miss. As we look at the Light result table and roll we get a 6 for the disruption result and then a 1 for the retreat result.
Low numbers are good in this game!
So no disruptions on a 6 but a R2hMorale result for the Germans. So they retreat 2, execute a Morale check and drop 1 level from e to d! The Lancers prove to be a robust little package.
This would end the combat here and we would not go on to overrun or regular combat phase.
Lets re assess that combat.
The Germans due to proficiency [1R] are attacking at 3:1 5v2. We re roll the simultaneous AT results.
This time the Germans roll a 2 [e-g morale state will take a Light result] and Lancers roll an 8 [a whiff]
This time the Germans roll a 0 and a 6 for Disruption & Retreat results. Earning a disruption and R1h. The Lancers are flipped, retreat one and Germans advance.
So that is an interesting and very broad spectrum of results.
I’ll now move onto the other actions of the 15th and possibly pop a video on that for everyone.
Great walkthrough of some of the choices available for resolving combat in the game. The only hiccup was the Armor Overrun, which would not apply to any pure AT Fire-vs-AT Fire situation, as there are no Soft Attack Factors to double. You cannot fire at a red defense factor unit with black attack factors.
Got it. EDITED, fixed !
fixed and edited Chris.