EFS: Lepel Offensive Operation

July 6-11

The operation begins with the Soviet turn on July 6th and the Russians must execute 4 Mandatory attacks or in essence lose the game. There is a set of criteria for what constitutes a mandatory attack.

If these are achieved then the game goes on and a VP count will determine success for the German side or Russians.

Elements from at least four Panzer divisions and two motorized divisions are present. 7th, 12th, 17th, 18th and 20th Panzer, as well as 16th and 20th Motorized face off against a determined array of ill advised attacks planned by STAVKA, led by Lt General Kurochkin to recapture Lepel. Historically 1400 Russian tanks were present, about 800 were involved. Nearly all were lost or damaged during the engagement.

Barbarossa the East Front Series [System] portrays the action of the opening of the WWII Eastern Front in compelling detail at scale. While not complex in of it self the magnitude of modules with 4 or 5 maps and 1200-1600 counter per module soon graduates it to a heavy lift system. These smaller scenarios allow you the ability to gather a feel for the basics without dealing too much with supply and manoeuvre issues of the full campaign.

First up is the need to execute the four mandated attacks and still escape with an opportunity to provide some defensive cover for the last 2 turns in the three turn scenario.

14th Tank will attack 7th Pzr [7/7/Mot Inf ]

13th and 17th Tk Divisions will attack 7th Pzr also [37/7] and 1 Mosco will attak 513/7.The fourth and final mandated attack will be led by 57th Tk against 18th Pzr 52nd regiment.

Prior to resolution in the sequence of play a Reserve/Reaction Phase allows certain units [usually armor withing 3 of the declared attack to move] to react. We use that capability to reinforce the hexes being attack by the Soviets.

Thus all of the mandated attacks which had to be a minimum of six steps and a 3:2 odds noe represent starkly different situations. We move 5/12 to support 7/7, 25/7 supports 37/7, 88/8 supports 513/7 and 18/18 supports its brethren in 18th Pzr. This drastically sifts odds.

Both sides can apply Arty and air. No arty is relevant here. Air provides some nominal benefits to the DRMS on the attack, with the Germans generally getting the best of things and even destroy 1 air unit and abort two others.

The Soviets roll for results generating a R* result for 3 of the four attacks! This inflicts 2 step losses as I read the rules. So 8 steps are lost. The final attack result is a 3 earning a 2/1 result.

Not the Soviets finest hour.

They now may move in their 2nd phase based on unit type. This is where infantry units are allowed to move and represents a key part of the asymmetric nature of the system. As it is hard for the Soviets to get their combined arms efforts organized due to the turn structure.

Fast forward through unused phases to turn 2. July 8-9.

Germans move all their units. Then declare attacks. They attack several units at 10:1, 7:1 and 4:1, generating 2 sets of eliminations and a 3R on the 13th and 16th Tank Divisions [3 step losses and a retreat]

In their secondary move phase overruns are also an option. But none present them selves, so they cinch up and present a solid defensive posture to make the mandatory attacks required in Turn 9 painful. Note the Soviets will only lose VPs if they don’t make these attacks, but in turn 1 they would lose the game if all four attacks are not made.

The Soviets however in their turn to execute the attacks, and also look to place road bumps around Polotsk which is worth 7 VP.

In the final turn the Axis pressure the NW sector of the map.

No Soviet units could support or get to Polotsk, and this is where the Germans focus. They overrun the Arty speed bump and end up adjacent to the Interdicted HQ. In a final combat they clear this hex and take 7VP. The AA unit was retreated earlier as a result of the overrun [it requires a no zoc /overrun marker].

Now we messed up in Turn 9 so lets stop to look back at that. The Soviets and Germans received reinforcement. Importantly Vitebsk and surrounds would have received more units. Preventing the recon unit going AWOL and looping around. So at game end we would not have captured 1 hex of Vitebsk.

Hefty losses in either case and I don’t see a much better result other than some luck or dropping back to defend Polotsk earlier for the Soviets. A replay soon!