Turn 8 September 1-4, 1914
German Player
Two more armored trains are now available as reinforcements. They deploy at Mobilization Point 3. The 6th Bavarian Division is reconstituted with the Beseler HQ in Nivelles. Two armored trains re-deploy from Eustkirchen to Weissenburg along the Rhine River. These will be used to shuttle troops from the east to the right.
In the Lorraine region, the Germans generally fall back. Wilhelm’s 5th Army attempts to solidify its position around St. Avald. General Albrecht’s 4th Army and General Rupprecht’s 6th Army secure as much of the valuable Iron Ore resources as possible around the towns of Longwy and Thionville. The 7th and 8th Cavalry Divisions cover the flank to the east of the Ardennes Forest.
On the right wing, the 1st and 2nd Armies mostly set up in reserve to make a move during the exploitation phase. Nonetheless, the Skoda Gun fires again at the weakening fortifications around Antwerp. Antwerp No. 2 is now eliminated, completely destroyed.
At Maubeuge, the 17th Infantry moves to the south along the RR and marches all the way to the minor river. During exploitation, General von Kluck moves the 1st Army HQ to Le Cateau. Two infantry division move into St. Quentin. The 2nd Guard secures the RR to Peronne. Meanwhile, four infantry divisions in reserve, move to the Escaut River in the vicinity of Arras. There they encounter British forces.
Allied Player
The 5th Army changes hands from General Larezac to General d’Esperey. (The rest of the BEF’ s staff arrives and the HQ is flipped to its stronger side.) The 15th Division reconstitutes with General Dubail’s 1st Army HQ. Both the 3rd Colonial and the 40th Infantry gather replacements with 3rd Army HQ at Verdun. Then 11th Infantry takes replacements at 2nd Army HQ.
The British fall back behind the Somme River. The French 34th Infantry occupies Amiens while the 33rd Division blocks the Germans at Peronne. The 19th Infantry marches to Ham and the 1st Division to Laon. The French concentrate on falling back in the west and maintaining a defensive line. Meanwhile another attack is launched near Metz.
General de Castineau orders an attack against the northeast fortifications at Metz. The attack is basically a stalemate. The French 18th and 29th Divisions are reduced and the German 21st Reserve is reduced a step. The Metz fortification holds up though.

Turn 9 September 5-8, 1914
German Player
There are no reinforcements or replacements for the German player. Beseler’s HQ reconstitutes the 6th Bavarian Division at Nivelles. Bulow’s HQ rebuilds the 19th Infantry Division at Aalst. Rupprecht reconstitutes the 24th Division at Thionville.
General Von Kluck pushes the 1st Army to the banks of the Oise River. The towns of Arras and Albert are captured by advancing columns of II and IV Corps. The German Army is ready to attack the French in the west, near Tournai. The area is defended by the 84th Territorial. The French put up a solid defense and the German 4th reserve takes some heavy losses.
In Belgium, the Skoda gun assaults the fortress at Antwerp. The attack is modified by Assault battalions nearby. The fortifications are subsequently reduced. (14 to 7 strength). General von Kluck renews his attacks at the town of Ham. The hamlet is defended by the French 19th Division. The German 6th Division loses one step but the 19th Division is eliminated.
Then, in the center, near Breay, the German 6th Army attacks the French 42nd. The French unit is wrecked, while the German 23rd Infantry loses a step. Ruprecht’s men achieve a breakthrough. The second round is facing the French 7th Cavalry. The French cavalry is screening and falls back one hex.
While the Germans made some progress, they have also taken heavy losses. There is a breakthrough along the Oise River. But, the BEF is lying in wait near Compiegne.
Allied Player
The Belgian 1st Cavalry is reconstituted at King Albert’s HQ. The Belgian Armoured Car unit is also received as reinforcements. The Paris Taxis become available. Each Taxi can be used twice before it is expended. The Foch HQ is converted to the 9th Army headquarters.
The French 8th Cavalry moves from Epinal along the railroad to Toul. Both the 1st and 6th Cavalry Divisions in Alsace fall back through Luneville to Nancy. The French player is still limited in his ability to maneuver by the requirement of leaving the eastern part of his army in positions defending Alsace-Lorraine.
The French player decides to launch an attack against the Metz Northeast fortifications. The French 39th Infantry Division takes a step loss but manages to destroy two German units. The fortifications are still intact. There are no other major engagements. During the Exploitation Phase, the French 8th Cavalry Division is moved to Bar le Duc. The 6th Cavalry Division transfers to Commercy. The French commanders brace for the German advance.
Turn 10 September 9-12
German Player
The German player receives several reinforcements. The 17th and 18th Reserve Division arrive at Mobilization Point 3 (near Eustkirchen). Then Falkenhausen and Gaede’s headquarters become available at Strassburg. Strantz HQ is placed in the Metz Fortifications. The 29th Infantry Division is also brought back through reconstitution. This is really not that much, but the headquarters expands the German command coverage.
The 18th Infantry Division advances along the RR from Ghent to Brugge and toward Oostende. Bulow’s 2nd Army sends infantry forward to the French position held by the 81st Territorial. Then the 1st Guards Reserve and the 27th Infantry Divisions advance to Lille form the south. Armored trains load the newly arrived Reserve Divisions and transport them as far as Maubeuge-Thuin. Two armored trains return to Mobilization Point 3.
The German player conducts the Siege Guns phase against the fortress in Antwerp. The Skoda guns have the benefit of an assault unit adjacent to the fortress. The fortress is eliminated. This is the main defense of Antwerp. King Albert’s Headquarters remains in defense of the city though. The German forces do not attack Antwerp as they do not have enough forces available to do the job well.
Near the town of Kortrijk, General Bulow’s forces attack the French territorial division. The French unit is eliminated and the German 13th Division loses a step. The German troops advance along the RR toward the town. Another somewhat risky attack is launched against the French in Lille. There is an optional rule to declare Lille a free city, but this is not being used. The attack is repulsed. It was a definite risk either way but the dice did not help. On the Somme River, the Germans attack the French 33rd Infantry Division, which it has surrounded, by outflanking it to the south. The 33rd falls after a valiant fight.
During exploitation several German units are released from reserve. The 18th Infantry advances all the way to Oostende, which is a 5 VP city. The 6th Bavarian Division moves north to assist with an attack on Antwerp. The 34th Landwehr moves to the town Vervins and to the banks of the Serre River. The 2nd Ersatz follows suit.

Allied Player
There are no reinforcements this time. A few units that are stacked with HQ’s return to their full-strength sides. The French 1st Reserve Corps begins to move out from the Belfort region. There is still a need to defend there as there is one more reinforcement coming through Belfort on turn 12. Then two fresh division are fed from de Castelnau’s HQ into the Metz position.
Near Lille, the 84th territorial extricates itself from the enemy troops along the Escaut River falling back toward the outskirts of Lille. Then the 81st Territorial retreats to the city of Robaix. The 88th territorial move4s out of Lille to Bethume to protect the supply line to Lille.
Using reserve movement, the 65th and 75th reserve Division move out of Belfort to the rail junction near Langres. Also the 58th Reserve moves into that region. The 14th Reserve, 44th Alpine and 66th reserve divisions move along the RR to Mirecourt.
During the combat phase, the Metz NE Fortress is reduced by one step and the 43rd Landwehr is eliminated. This area is still quite strong for the Germans. The French player slowly whittles away at the fortress so that it can get a fourth stack into contact with the main fortress in Metz, which has the VP. Unfortunately, by the time that happens, the French may not have enough units to form that fourth stack!

Turn 11 September 13-16
German Player
Armored trains load the 14th Corps near Strassburg and rail them as far as Luxembourg. More trains roll into Schlestadt where they will pick up more units for transfer. The 9th Reserve Corps is unloaded at the RR depot in Ham, which is near the Oise River. General Kluck’s HQ advances along the RR to St. Quentin. The Krupp Siege Guns move along the RR to Le Cateau. Meanwhile the 2nd Army postures near Lille approaching from the north and south positions.
Combat. The German forces deployed to the north in Belgium resume their attack on the city of Antwerp. The attack is somewhat successful with both sides taking loses. General Bulow’s Army launches an attack against the French territorial division in Roubaix. Both sides take losses, and the French position holds. On the Somme, the French 20th Division faces an attack by four German Divisions. Again the results are mixed and both sides take losses, but the Germans have it worst.
Allied Player Turn
The Allies receive a few reinforcements in Paris. One is the 1st Moroccan Division, which is a rather strong colonial unit. With it comes the Spahi Cavalry Brigade and some armoured trains. Additionally, the British 6th Division lands in Calais.
The Spahi Cavalry move out to Beauvais. The British 1st Cavalry re-deploys from Montdidier to the RR junction on the Le Treport-Beauvais Line. The 1st Moroccan Division moves to Claremont with General Maunoury’s headquarters. Then 2nd Moroccan Division crosses the Oisne River to Maunoury’s right flank. The 2nd Cavalry Corps rides out to the Argonne Forest. The 8th Cavalry Division moves to the town of Vouziers. The 10th Cavalry moves to St. Die.
The French 2nd Army is ready to attack. General de Castelnau orders three stacks of French units to attack the Metz fortress. Both sides incur heavy losses. The French 3rd Colonial Division is depleted and the German 25th Reserve loses a step. The 2nd Landwehr also is reduced.
During exploitation the Allied player decides to move the British 1st Cavalry Division to the port at Le Treport. The Allies have a satisfactory position outside of Paris, partly because the German player is divided. General Bulow’s 2nd Army is concentrating on capturing Lille, while a significant force has invested Antwerp. Four more divisions are poised across the Somme River where the British and French guard Amiens. General Kluck’s First Army is watered down quite a bit, so the German player needs to figure out what he is doing. The attack at Metz, is also having some effect as the German commander is thinking about how to maintain that position with replacements.
These photos pan from left to right from the Atlantic to the border with Germany.

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