Turn 5 August 20-23, 1914
German Player
Reinforcements: The Germans receive two armored trains at Mobilization Point 3, near Eustkirchen. These will carry the newly arrived static divisions to the front. The 49th Landwehr appears at Merzig and several other static units arrive in Metz.
General von Kluck’s 1st Army and Bulow’s 2nd Army continue to work through the Belgian countryside. The Krupp Siege Guns fire at what is left of the Namur fortifications, which is reduced to rubble. To the north, the Skoda Guns fire against the southern fortifications at Antwerp. This is reduced.
Next, the 2nd Army assaults the Belgian 4th Infantry Division to the east of Brussels. This is a 4-1 attack and it eliminates the 4th Division. The German 19th Infantry Division takes a step loss. The Belgian 1st Cavalry is screening to the east of Brussels, but they encounter three German cavalry divisions which attack. The German cavalry achieves a breakthrough and subsequently launches an attack against the Belgian 8/3 Brigade. Although the Prussian Guard takes some casualties, the Belgian infantry is eliminated.
A limited counterattack is launched in the center by the German 3rd Army. General Hausen sees an opportunity to attack the French 3rd Colonial Division. Both sides take heavy casualties but no ground is gained. Then during exploitation, the 1st and 2nd Armies advance, outflanking Brussels to the south. The 1st Division runs into British cavalry on the Sambre River.

Allied Player
General Maunoury’s headquarters (Lorraine Army) arrives at Verdun. The 64th and 65th Reserve Divisions rail into Langres. Four static divisions appear in Lille as reinforcements and the Fusiliers Marine Brigade enters Rouen.
In the Vosges Mountains, General Pau pushes ahead and launches an attack against the German position in Colmar. This is a valuable 10 VP locale. Both sides lose a step but the German 39th is forced to retreat. The French 14th Infantry Division is reduced. The French advance, capturing Colmar. (Since this is a Plan XVII VP location, these are permanent victory points for a total of 19 VP’s.)

Then in the center, 3rd Army resumes its attack. General Ruffey orders an all-out assault against Metz. This attack, although only 1-1, goes extremely well for General Ruffey. The fortress is reduced one step, and the Germans lose two steps. The French achieve a breakthrough. The breakthrough attack doesn’t proceed as well and the French take heavy casualties. Nonetheless, the German 33rd Reserve is reduced one step, too.
In the north, General French deploys the BEF in better defensive positions making use of the water defenses. The 1st Cavalry abandons Thurn and moves into the woods to the south. There are no further attacks.
Turn 6 August 24-27, 1914
German Player
This is the turn that the Germans must forfeit four infantry divisions and a cavalry division to the east. Therefore, these units are removed and sent to participate in the Battle of Tannenberg. There are no reinforcements. The 2nd Bavarian division is reconstituted with the 6th Army. Likewise, the 34th Infantry is reconstituted.
Note on Reconstitution: This rules simulates the time needed to bring a unit made ineffective by losses and casualties, back to action. Generally, eliminated units are not completely wiped out.
General von Kluck pushes the 1st Army to the outskirts of Maubeuge. The Krupp Siege Gun is brought up along the railroad line. Then Bulow’s 2nd Army focuses on Brussels, which is impeding the German advance. The Krupp gun opens fire on the fortifications. The fortress is reduced. General von Kluck orders the 1st Army to attack the Maubeuge fortress. This further reduces the fortress, but it was a three-step unit so it remains. The 1st Army takes few casualties.
The Skoda guns also fire on the Antwerp Fortifications (#3). This completely destroys the southern position. General Bulow launches an attack against the southern position of Brussels. This is defended by the Belgian 5th infantry and it is in open terrain. As a result of overwhelming odds, the 5th Infantry is eliminated. The forces advance into contact with the Belgian infantry in Brussels. There are no further attacks.
Allied Player
The French receives reinforcements and the Moroccan Infantry is deployed in Paris. The British 19th Infantry Bde is placed with French’s BEF Headquarters. Pau’s Headquarters is recalled and Maunoury’s Lorraine Headquarters is recalled.
The Belgian 3rd Infantry (reduced) is returned to play via reconstitution. It is deployed in Antwerp with Albert’s Headquarters. General Ruffey orders the 3rd Army to launch another attack against the fortifications at Metz. The 9th Infantry Division outflanks the Metz position and moves toward Boulay. The 32nd Infantry is placed in reserve near General de Castelnau’s headquarters. The 10th Cavalry infiltrates along the Saar River heading toward Saarbrucken. Instead of attacking Metz, Ruffey orders the 42nd Division to attack the German 33rd which is in the woods east of Briey. The German unit is eliminated, with some losses to the French as well.
The 2nd Army attacks the German 3rd cavalry in the town of Morhange. The cavalry holds its ground rather than choosing to retreat. (Morhange is a Plan XVII VP). Both sides lose one step. The French 11th Infantry Division is reduced. During exploitation the French cavalry captures both Saargenmund and Saarbrucken. (21 VP’s). Then 32nd Infantry is released from reserve and it infiltrates and captures Boulay. (22 VP’s). Although the 10th Cavalry can trace a line of communication back to friendly lines, it is too long as the French are not able to use the railroad lines in Lorraine. Therefore the cavalry is reduced by attrition.

Turn 7 August 28-31, 1914
German Player
There are no reinforcements this time. Crown Prince Wilhelm’s headquarters brings the German 34th Infantry back to full-strength. General Ruprecht’s 6th Army adds replacements to the 2nd Bavarian Division.
General von Kluck’s 1st Army advances along the railroad where it is stopped by the fortifications of Maubeuge. The Krupp Siege Gun is used again and finishes off the rest of the fortification defenses. In the north, the Skoda Siege Gun fires at the second Antwerp fortification. The fort is subsequently reduced.
General von Bulow orders the 2nd Army to attack the Belgian position in Brussels. It is defended by the 6th Infantry Division. The German 18th Infantry is reduced by a step while the Belgian 6th Division is eliminated. Brussels falls to the 2nd Army. Meanwhile, General von Kluck orders the 1st Army to attack the British at Mons. The British with the II Corps. This is a British disaster as the II Corps is wiped out. Mons is captured.
Allied Player
The French receive a number of reinforcements. Another Moroccan infantry bde is deployed in Paris along with the 45th Algerian Division. Two armoured trains also arrive there for use. Marshal Foch is set up in Paris with General Maunoury’s 6th Army HQ. General Sarrel takes over 3rd Army.
What remains of the Alsace Army, falls back toward Belfort. There is no hope of making further gains at this time and the Plan XVII VP’s have already been accumulated. The 41st Division garrisons the coal in the southern Vosges Mountains. The 6th Cavalry Division moves to St. Die.
In Lorraine, 10th Cavalry falls back from Saarbrucken to Saargenmund. Both the 9th and 32nd Infantry also fall back toward friendly lines. The BEF falls back, but its bloody nose really has helped the German cause.

I’m wondering where all the Germans in the center are hiding. Kluck is in Belgium, fine. It appears the French are ‘all in’ south of Metz (historically they lunged forward north of Metz and were defeated in the Ardennes). But you’d think that the forces in the German hinge would be showing up somewhere.
Perhaps they are in Belgium – but then why is the advance there slower than historical?