Designer Dirt

I had the opportunity to chat to Mitch Land while playing Next War Poland.

Tactical Surprise Scenario

One thing we were discussing was the air war in Poland. The brittle nature of the Russian Airforce is readily apparent.

As the war opens we can see below the significant number of aircraft they start with. But this pales in quality and capability of NATO and the US forces.

For those that know the system the 5 digit with asterix is long range missile fire and those with two stars is extended range – essentially over the horizon radar. One of the down sides in game play is just how quickly the Russkies collapse in the air.

More recent data and performance information from action in Syria and abroad show us that some of the Russian fighters have better capabilities than the game represents to us.

In a future update pack there will be new counters to reflect both newly understood Russian and US capabilities. As well as, wait for it, an extension to the Kalliningrad area!
How very cool.
One of the great aspects of this system is in its nature as a modern system we can look forward to and expect new formations, new units and rules to reflect the changing nature of modern warfare.

I heard some other gossip about Next War..but lets wait to confirm what might be a future module!