Opening actions:

Soviets seek Air Superiority in two adjacent coastal megahexes.

This turn logistics matter…well a lot.

We need maximum SP on deck and we need air units to support the efforts and we require fresh troops.

Note that at the end of Turn 2 I realize that I mis read repair/replacement points for the scenario. So both sides got a bit of an aid boost this turn. This is corrected at turn end.

Best laid plans of mice and men. The JA37’s dominates the Mig 23’s. We will put it down to superior piloting. This weakens the Flak suppression nmissins which still end up being effective.

They indeed put the hurt on. Step loss and abort.

The first mechanize regiment lands.

The Marines do Yeomans work for the turn. Attacking across the river, bouncing back the Swedish armour regiment, then pivot and attack again

But no rest- on the y go up the road. Until a contact result ends their movement.

Airborne surround Stockholm. But cannot budge the enemy.

Steaming at highest possible speed Danish and Dutch naval forces and subs reach the territories, and threaten to up end the Soviet dominance of the sea.

So to, a swag of Fighter craft arrive to boost up the frayed Swedish forces.