China Intervenes Dec-19th

Continuing from prior turns OCS Korea:
The CCF secure initiative and pick up just two SP this turn. This turn with one Pax and the accumulated replacements in hand they rebuild several NORK divisional assets for a formation.

The final scrape for Hungnam takes place. 8 regiments of north Koreans gaine a +1 surprise shi[f]t. The air support from the UN DG’s them, but they arty in return, DG’s the defenders.

The net result of the attack is a AO1/DO1. With no where to go the ROK unit dies. In the UN turn several units fail attrition rolls due to being surrounded. Only the 1/1 Marine remains.

[See video about assessing a pause in game play for both sides of either 5 or ten turns]. We did the math and the rolls and it was not in the Chinese best interest nor really worthwhile for the UN. By taking  a pause we would allow each side to sit un place and accumulate replacements.

The 22nd of January sees most of the North Eastern forces led by 29th Army are freed up to head South.

It is at this juncture that we concede that the UN forces may well end up surrounded in Seoul, unless they drop back aggressively to Pusan. Regardless with limited to no reinforcements coming, the US/UN team does not have enough to build a decent perimeter either at Seoul or at Pusan. With another 40 odd turns available the CCF is in an overwhelming position for this scenario.

We call it a massive CCF win.

3 thoughts on “China Intervenes Dec-19th

  1. QUOTE: “…8 regiments of north Koreans gaine a +1 surprise shit”. I am not surprised, I lived out that way and with dysentry being endemic, we used to say, “Happiness is a dry fart”.

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